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M. Kuroki: Address to World Summit 2020

Address to World Summit 2020, Seoul, Korea, February 3-8, 2020


On behalf of Japan’s Sekai Nippo (“World Daily”), I would like to extend my heartfelt welcome to the press and the media for the opening of the 2020 World Summit and to this conference to launch the International Media Association for Peace (IMAP). What we’re here to do is identify and discuss our new role and mission as the media or as journalists. So far the media, in particular, have long been the fourth power, following the three powers of legislation, justice and administration, but now serious awareness of whether they are meeting corresponding trust and requests is essential.

With the remarkable development of the Internet, it is a great pleasure to see the rapid increase in the number of opinions and information sent by individuals. However, while the role of teachers is assessed, such as critical checks on the existing media, the damage from fake news, verification, and unverified media profiling is increasing at an alarming rate. The media also have a high-level mission of building peace through news reports and media.

As the founders, Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon always emphasize, “In order to guide the world from a fair standpoint, the world map of heaven and religion should be set against the authority of the world." The first priority is to play the leading role of the media, which will go beyond the "three powers," a symbol of human wisdom, to solve difficult situations by the power of human wisdom alone. Diogenes, an ancient Greek philosopher, also said, "The most beautiful thing in the world is freedom of speech."

The Sekai Nippo was founded in 1975 as a daily newspaper challenging the existing media. From this point on, we will work toward becoming a responsible press, a moral press. At this conference we will have an opportunity to discuss with you our contributions to the creation of a global peace environment.

Thank you very much.



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