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C. Yong Address to World Summit 2020

Address to World Summit 2020, Seoul, Korea, February 3-8, 2020


I would like to welcome leaders from Russia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Mongolia, Korea and Japan; many of you are Ambassadors for Peace.  

To all distinguished guests, welcome and good afternoon. Thank you for coming to this concurrent session today. I hope you are enjoying your time in Korea.

We are here at this historic World Summit 2020, and I think this is exactly the right venue, the right time and the right place to launch the Eurasian Council for International Cooperation and Security (ECCS).

This council will be designed to foster dialogue and cooperation among leaders of Eurasian nations and between governments, state-run organizations and the private sector.

Cooperation between government and civil society is indispensable for creating social harmony and economic sustainability.

Each plays a different yet vitally important role. Their responsibilities are complementary and interconnected.

Governments have administrative and financial management responsibilities. They have the power to act through their executive, legislative and judicial branches.

But in order to implement policies of good governance, to generate innovative ideas, to get constructive feedback and to effectively address issues at the grassroots level, support from civil society is critically important.

If the leaders in this room, right here and now, agree to work together, then we can support our respective nations and region. It will be a win-win partnership.

As the ECCS develops and takes on a formal structure, it will become a venue to encourage economic growth, promote tourism and impart to nations and the region a renewed hope for sustainable peace and development.

It will work in collaboration with government and inter-governmental organizations, UN agencies and civil society. The ECCS can be a think tank for innovative ideas and the sharing of best practices that will help reshape regional and global priorities. All the while it will be grounded in the unique traditional customs and cultural values of Eurasia.

Once again, thank you for attending this summit and this session. May I close by once again inviting your participation in and support for the Eurasian Council for International Cooperation and Security.

I look forward to working with you in the future.

Thank you very much.



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