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G. Weah: Address to Third Rally of Hope 2020

 Address to Third Rally of Hope 2020, November 22, 2020

Your Excellencies, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,

I extend warm greetings on behalf of the government and people of the Republic of Liberia, and, in my own name, to the people of Korea and to viewers in nations around the world who have joined this Rally of Hope, dedicated to the peaceful reunification of Korea.

It is an honor for me to have been invited to share a few words with you today for this important occasion.

Korea has been a divided nation since the beginning of the Korean War many years ago. My own country, Liberia, and several other countries in the West African region have known the suffering, the destruction, and the devastation caused by war and division.

That is why we cherish peace and pray that all peoples of the world will be able to live peacefully together and enjoy the promise and prosperity of peace.

It is my fervent hope and prayer that soon there will be a reunification of Korea.

Many lives were lost during the Korean War, including soldiers from throughout the world. For their sake, we should all strive for peace and unification, so that their ultimate sacrifice will not be in vain.

I now salute the Universal Peace Federation (UPF), which is a leading force for peace in today’s world. It has taken initiatives through conferences and summits dedicated to peace.

I can recall, with gratitude, that UPF has worked in Liberia after our civil war, by taking part in post-conflict peacebuilding efforts with the Liberian legislature, of which I was then a senator from Montserrado County.

It is therefore with great pleasure that I find myself today in the position to participate in the current Rally of Hope.

Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,

Allow me to express my gratitude to the creator of UPF, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, who is a courageous champion for peace through interdependence, mutual prosperity, and universal values. I believe UPF stands in a central position to help resolve the crisis on the Korean Peninsula.

Among other things, I know that UPF understands the importance of interreligious dialogue and has been a strong supporter and partner in supporting the work of the United Nations, the African Union, and the Economic Community of West African States. I welcome the involvement of UPF in in my country. The partnership between government and civil society is extremely important as we work to address problems of poverty, food security, economic development, education, and strengthening the family.

I want to emphasize, once again, the importance of peace. We are living through challenging times. If we work together, we can make a difference, and we can achieve the great hope for peace that the people of the world long for and deserve.

I thank you for your kind attention.

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