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S-W Zewde: Address to Third Rally of Hope 2020

 Address to Third Rally of Hope 2020, November 22, 2020

It gives me great pleasure to take part in this Rally of Hope. This event cannot be more timely and appropriate in this unprecedented time of numerous complex challenges all around the world.

Humanity and the planet are indeed facing existential threats. We are witnessing a global pandemic wreaking havoc on our health systems. Climate change and its devastating impacts are also ruining our environment. The global economy and trade have slowed down. All countries, big and small, are affected. Growing inequalities have created frustration and mistrust, thus leading to greater instability.

None of these challenges can be solved in isolation; they are all connected, interconnected, and need a global solution through concerted efforts and cooperation among all the nations of the world. That is why there is a need to reinforce multilateralism.

That is also why it is important that you all reaffirm commitment to the principles and purposes of the UN Charter, which embodies our hope for peace, development and prosperity. These principles and purposes are more relevant today than they were 75 years ago, and they continue to be our guiding force as we aspire to sustain peace and build a better future.

Ethiopia is not only a founding member of the United Nations, but an ardent supporter of multilateralism and the principle of collective security enshrined in the United Nations Charter. It is because of this conviction that Ethiopia, together with 22 additional countries, responded to the call by the UN Security Council and deployed its forces under the blue helmets to restore peace and security when war broke out in the Korean Peninsula 70 years ago.

As we mark the 70th anniversary of the Korean War, we remember the brave men and women who fought and died during that conflict. We also pay tribute to their bravery and sacrifice in the furtherance of world peace.

The historic contribution of the Ethiopian soldiers who participated in the Korean War certainly left an indelible mark in the relations between Ethiopia and the Republic of Korea. Their story will forever be remembered, and we need to keep the memory of this, of their sacrifices, alive for generations to come.

The role the brave Ethiopian soldiers played during the early days of the United Nations is a testament to Ethiopia's unwavering commitment to the principle of collective security enshrined in the UN Charter. It is this commitment that Ethiopia continues to uphold to this day, and it is also this commitment that has made her the leading troop-contributing country to UN peacekeeping.

Finally, in this Rally of Hope, let us promote a culture of peace and harmony around the world. Let us work to heal the broken trust that has fractured societies. Let us encourage facts and truth instead of hatred and bigotry. Let us also instill a sense of hope in the future in our youth. Let us protect marginalized and vulnerable populations. And let us all strive to create fair, equitable, inclusive, sustainable, and resilient societies.

I can only hope that these lofty objectives will inspire us to do more in order to overcome our current challenges and build a better future for all peoples.

I thank you.

To go back to the report on the Third Rally of Hope, click here.