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M. Pence: Address to Rally of Hope VI

Address to Rally of Hope VI
May 9, 2021


It is a great honor to join you once again for this Global Rally of Hope—the sixth such event sponsored by the Universal Peace Federation. I am truly honored to support the vital mission of UPF and join you in the great cause of building a more peaceful and prosperous world.

The Bible says, “The fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.” [James 3:18] Today, as leaders from around the world who cherish the values of faith, family, democracy and justice under the law, I commend you for coming together at this event to continue to sow seeds of peace, believing that in time, we will reap a harvest of peace that will benefit the people of Korea, the United States and all mankind.

I want to thank Dr. Moon for hosting this important event and for faithfully continuing the significant work she began with her late husband. Thank you, Dr. Moon, for your devotion to building a more peaceful and prosperous world. Now, with the launch of Think Tank 2022 bringing together the collective wisdom of leaders in government, business, religion and civil society, I believe the dream of peaceful cooperation and unity in Korea will be closer to reality than ever before.

We gather at a time of renewal and promise. Over the past year, mankind has been reminded just how quickly our lives can be upended in unexpected ways. For the past year, the coronavirus pandemic has inflicted heartbreak and hardship across the globe. Every nation on earth has been put to the test. Now, thanks to bold leadership, groundbreaking partnerships and the courageous resolve of individual citizens, mankind’s victory over the coronavirus is closer than ever before.

Not long ago, leading experts said it would take years to develop a vaccine. Today, more than a billion vaccine doses have been administered worldwide, moving us closer each day to putting the coronavirus in the past. What we have learned through this challenging time is that nothing is impossible when nations work together to achieve the common good. And as we undertake the urgent work of healing our nations and restoring lost jobs, we must remember that our task is not merely to rebuild the world of the past but to forge a brighter future for all of our citizens.

The US–Korea friendship

During my four years as vice president of the United States, America and the Republic of Korea proved how much could be accomplished by nations that share a common commitment to democracy, free enterprise, free speech, strong family values, human dignity, religious liberty, the right to life and equality under the law. Together, we improved our historic alliance, improved our trading relationship, and reaffirmed America’s commitment to support the Republic of Korea, Japan, and our allies in the region. Our commitment to our common defense remains unbreakable.

We will stand firm against our common adversaries, even as we work in good faith to turn adversaries into friends. And in so doing, I believe we are laying a foundation to bring about the peaceful unification of Korea within our lifetime. Few people imagined they would see the leaders of the United States and North Korea sitting down to discuss peace, but at the historic summit in Singapore, we showed it was possible.

While our journey toward peace goes on, what is most important is that the journey has begun—and the first step is always the hardest. And now, a new American administration has the opportunity to renew our commitment to our common defense and build on our progress toward peace, which I fervently hope our new president will do.

Now more than ever, freedom-loving nations around the world must stand strong and call upon China to respect human rights, democratic principles, freedom of navigation and to do their part to achieve the final and fully verified denuclearization of the Korean peninsula.

Our shared values

During my four years as vice president, at home and abroad, I have seen firsthand that truly great nations embrace the principles of religious liberty, freedom of speech, democracy and free enterprise. We know that strong families, education, equal treatment under the law, and a recognition of the dignity and worth of every human life, born and unborn, is the foundation of true national greatness. These are the values that have united the people of Korea and the United States for nearly seventy years. They are the same values that my father, Lieutenant Ed Pence, and freedom-loving Americans and Koreans just like him, fought to defend in the Korean War. They are the same values I worked to protect as vice president.

And I believe, if our commitment to these principles and ideals remains true and unshakable, the day will soon arrive when a great land once divided by war can become one nation and one people, united in peace.

I know I speak on behalf of millions of Americans when I say how proud we are to stand alongside each and every one of you on this day to support the cause of freedom, safety and peace for all the Korean people. Scripture tells us, “Let us not become weary in doing good, for in the proper time, we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” [Galatians 6:9]

To everyone at this global Rally of Hope, I urge you to keep working, keep striving and never give up—because your labors on behalf of peace for the Korean people, the Asia-Pacific and the world are not in vain. Thank you for the honor of addressing you today, and may God bless you all.

Hon. Mike Pence was vice president of the United States from 2017 to 2021.



To go to the Dialogue and Alliance: Toward a Unified World of Peace, Part Two, click here.