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P. White-Cain: Summit for Peace Assembly & One Million Rally

Address to World Summit
February 11-13, 2022


Today, we thank God for bringing together such distinguished leaders from all faiths, nations and backgrounds who seek to open the way for the two Koreas to build trust and open the way to peace.  

I wish to thank His Excellency Samdech Hun Sen, the Prime Minister of the Royal Kingdom of Cambodia, the Members of Congress, Vice President Pence, Secretary Pompeo, all the Heads of State, First Ladies, Faith leaders and the world-class leadership from various fields of politics, media, economics, religion, arts, academia, science and more who have made this conference such a great success.    

Dr. Yoon Young-ho, your leadership as the Director of the Universal Peace Federation is outstanding and exemplary. We applaud you over and over.

I want to honor and thank you, Mother Moon, for your great work as a spiritual leader who loves the Lord and seeks to bring and comfort God’s Heart in all the conflict areas of the world. Your faith and courage are very moving, especially having passed through many trials, persecutions and misunderstanding.  

As I stated yesterday, you are the epitome of Matthew, chapter 5, specifically verse 9: “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of God.”  “Peacemakers” are ones who bravely declare God’s terms that makes someone whole. They are those who promote God’s “shalom,” total well-being both personally and communally. You have heroically dedicated your life to this and activated many who have now joined you.  

You and your late husband, Rev. Moon, have been unwavering in your faith and commitment to move forward and carry the vision of a “Grand Project” for peaceful reunification of the Korean Peninsula, which you initiated 30 years ago in 1991 with your visit to North Korea. You could have lost your life from this visit to meet Kim IL Sung. However, I believe that the unconditional love you have practiced, taught and walked in created a divine opportunity.

You have stood against communism because it denies the existence of God and advocates that material is the only reality. However, you have not stood against people or the leaders of the communist countries, for you believe if they can turn to God they too can be saved.  

Because of that love, something happened that touched the heart of Chairman Kim and created dialog and communication to continue with his son and grandson for over 30 years now.   

There are many experts here within their field who respectfully shared several aspects in solving the problem of unifying North and South Korea. Yes, American allies, America, Korea and Japan must remain united and we call on all nations, those that support China, Russia and the DPRK and other nations that can be a bridge to unify the Korean Peninsula.  

Cambodia has become a bridge between China and America as it has moved towards friendship and cooperation with the USA. We can reflect back on the enormous suffering that Cambodia and Vietnam went through and now see how they are growing economically in very significant ways. They are supporting Mother Moon’s great efforts for peace, and this is vital.

America must turn to God and be a moral and substantial force for peace in Northeast Asia. We must be strong to defend our nations and bring balance, but at the same time we must engage in dialogue. Engagement means that we seek ways to find common ground for security, prosperity and peace. 

That’s why I want to thank Secretary Pompeo who, together with President Trump, did so much to bring dialogue and understanding, being the first President and Secretary of State to engage directly with the North Korean leader. President Trump made possible a new plan for peace on the Korean Peninsula through North Korea policies that are unprecedented in US history.  

However, we know that true peace can only be fully achieved with faith. We must bring God directly into the equation. With man it may be impossible, BUT with God “all things are possible” (Matt. 19:26).



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