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P. White-Cain: Address to World Summit 2022, Opening Ceremony

Address to World Summit
February 11-13, 2022


Distinguished leaders from all faiths, nations and backgrounds. We are grateful for those of you who could make it to this imperative World Summit 2022 and saw your way through all the challenges. How vital your presence and participation is for the reunification of North and South Korea. We thank all the millions who are watching online from 157 countries.

I want to thank the Universal Peace Federation and The Washington Times Foundation for sponsoring this historic event. I sincerely thank His Excellency Samdech Hun Sen, the Prime Minister of the Royal Kingdom of Cambodia, for understanding and supporting Mother Moon’s work for peace.

Also, I want to thank Secretary General Ban Ki-moon who has an extraordinary record leading the United Nations, standing strong against terrorism and truly being a peacemaker for all nations.

I was just here in Korea last December to join Mother Moon and prestigious leaders from all over the world at the Interfaith Prayer Rally for the Reunification of Korea. She summoned faith leaders to come and pray for North Korea, China, Russia, South Korea, Japan, America, Cambodia and all the nations of the world. She set up the profound spiritual foundation of prayer to bring peace between North and South Korea. Through a second Interfaith Rally of Hope with Vice President Mike Pence, a great impact was felt all over Korea and the world. We continue to pray and stand in complete belief and hope to see this realization that North and South Korea will be reunified.

Mr. Vice President, we are inspired to see you at the Rallies of Hope, the Think Tank 2022 and now at the World Summit 2022, affirming that only by honoring God can we end this sad division of the beautiful Korean people. Only with God can we bring this divided world together as one family.

As the scripture says in Ephesians 6:12, “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Our battle is spiritual and spiritual battles can only be won with the spiritual weapons of truth and love. 2 Corinthians 10:4 reminds us: “For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have DIVINE POWER to destroy strongholds.” That is why we are here with faith leaders who come now to pray that the walls will come down.

However, spiritual leaders alone cannot complete the task of making a peaceful world. We must go forward together with political leaders as they are called by God to restore and reconstitute this nation and all nations into the ideal that God has always sought.

We are fighting for our future generations. We must show and bring our children to understand that we reap what we sow. If we sow with our service the love and truth of God, I believe that we along with our coming generations will reap blessed families, marriages, communities and nations. This is how the young people of our nations will see and discover the key to bringing unity and peace.

I had the blessing of meeting Mother Moon and want to thank her for the courageous path that she and her husband Rev. Moon began when they, as Christian leaders, escaped the communist persecution of Christians in North Korea. Rev. Moon suffered in a death camp for two years and eight months and yet came out of that suffering with a heart of love to heal the North and the world.

Mother Moon came to the South as a 5-year-old girl with her devout mother and grandmother to follow the call of Jesus. She has kept the dream and call of bringing her homeland back together again.

Mother Moon, we all came here because we want you to know that you are succeeding, and the Peaceful Reunification of Korea is sure to come.

We believe in your assignment and see your fruit for peace and family. By the love of Jesus and the healing power of God, we believe that all faiths and political leaders, together with Mother Moon, will unite for reconciliation.

Because she has shared agape (God’s) love, Chairman Kim has invited her to come to the North. Mother Moon, I want to go with you to help the North begin a new path of prosperity and peace.

PRAYER – Holding her anointed hands over the audience, Pastor Paula White-Cain prayed for unity and peace for all faiths, races and nations.



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