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Religious Youth Service

Religious Youth Service Projects 2012


UPF chapters organize Religious Youth Service projects that offer service-learning opportunities with a special focus on developing personal leadership and peacemaking skills. Through living together and providing altruistic service in a community, participants demonstrate that it is possible for our global human family to come together in peace for our mutual well being.

Resource page for organizers

  RYS introductory video (20:31 minutes) and PowerPoint presentation

View photos of RYS projects in 2012 and 2013.
See list of projects in 2013; read the archive of reports.


Projects in 2012

December 26-31 [POSTPONED]

Religious Youth Service Project in India

Theme: Breaking the Barriers and Building the Bridge of Peace.

The village of Kabir Basti in Delhi, India, planned to host a Religious Youth Service project December 26-31. Proposed activities included building a wall to provide a prayer room at the Women's Shelter run by the NGO Sudinalay.

Kabir Basti, Delhi, India



December 17-23 [POSTPONED]

Religious Youth Service Project in Malaysia

The Malaysia Religious Youth Service chapter and Universal Peace Federation planned to host a Multicultural Youth Service project December 17 to 23. Local and international youths were invited to come together to explore cultural unity through working together to serve a small community in the state of Negri Sembilan on the coast south of Kuala Lumpur.

More Details...

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia



December 15-21

Religious Youth Service Project in Sri Lanka

Local and international youth joined to build a much-needed community center for displaced by the civil war and now living in Mahawewa in the Puttlam District of northwest Sri Lanka. This building will be used for meetings, self-help programs, family functions, cultural activities and social celebrations. 

Report ...

Puttlam District, Sri Lanka


December 2-9

Religious Youth Service Project in Nepal

“Building Friendship through Service” was the theme of a project at the Metta Center orphanage and monastery in Banepa in the Kavre District of Nepal December 2-9. The 47 participants from Russia, Egypt, Spain, Pakistan, and Bangladesh as well as Nepal took part in community-based service, value education, leadership training, interfaith visits and dialogues, and cross-cultural learning experiences.

Report ...
See also the report by Russian participants.

Kavre, Nepal

October 12-19

Religious Youth Service Project in Pakistan

Around 80 youth leaders including staff, volunteers, and participants from all provinces of Pakistan assembled in Multan, Punjab Province, to spend time together as a multi-ethnic, multi-religious, and multi-cultural community. They engaged in various service-learning activities including visiting religious sites and working to provide a safe drinking water system and toilets for the Hindu slum dwellers in Multan. This first Religious Youth Service project in Pakistan offered education, training, and opportunities for the participants to develop their capacities as peacebuilders.

Report ...

Multan, Pakistan


August 20-26

Religious Youth Service Project in Albania

Youth from throughout Albania and other parts of Europe assembled in Tirana for a project that included planting trees and gardens in a public park. They also staged plays about the importance of serving others, cultivating character, and developing leadership skills; engaged in interfaith dialogue; and shared homemade desserts with children in orphanages.

Report ...

Tirana, Albania


August 13-20

Religious Youth Service Project in Estonia

Youth from several nations assembled at a village in central Estonia, where they renovated a monument to the victims of communist repression and made improvements at the Lutheran church's summer café. Lectures, spiritual readings, group discussions, work activities, sightseeing, and reflection times helped build bonds among participants from the Baltic nations in this first Religious Youth Service project in Estonia.


Pilistvere, Estonia


August 5-12

Religious Youth Service Project in Moldova

UPF organizers in Moldova had long envisioned hosting a Religious Youth Service project in their nation to build on their interfaith initiatives. That dream became a reality when 14 young peacebuilders from four nations assembled in Ialoveni, near Moldova's capital, for a week-long project. They worked at a geriatric center, participated in interactive learning experiences, visited places of worship, and savored the nation's historic monuments and natural beauty.


Ialoveni, Moldova



August 3-16

Religious Youth Service Project in Jamaica

 Young people from several Caribbean nations and the US did cleaning, painting, and landscaping at an elementary school on Jamaica's northeast coast while practicing teamwork and sampling Jamaica's spicy cuisine. No repairs had been made at the school for the previous five years, and the much-needed facelift was part of the preparations for the new school year.


Portland Parish, Jamaica



August 2-13


Religious Youth Service Project in St. Lucia

In spite of predictions that the Caribbean island nation of St. Lucia would be hit by tropical storm Ernesto, an international team of youth assembled and did clean-up and painting at a school as well as organizing activities for its students. The schedule included a sports day with local youth and a talent show for the community.


Read also the reflections of a participant from the US, Elizabeth LaGrotteria.

Ciceron, St. Lucia

July 21-30

Religious Youth Service Project in Georgia

Twenty-two people came together to live and work as an interfaith and international community near the Black Sea in western Georgia. Lectures, readings, group discussions, work activities, visits, sightseeing, reflection, and spiritual practices gave people insights into the culture and faith of the people of Georgia. Participants came from Georgia's neighboring nations in the Caucasus Mountains as well as Russia, England, Netherlands, and Cote d'Ivoire.


Samegrelo, Georgia



July 19-25

Flood Relief in Southwestern Russia

When a UPF organizer in Siberia read a newspaper report on July 7 about the flooding in southwestern Russia, he immediately determined to help, even though he lives in Novosibirsk, 4,140 km to the east. He organized a team of ten people from various parts of Russia, and they arrived on July 19 and spent a week clearing out rubbish, erecting tents to shelter the homeless, and organizing donations that poured in from throughout the nation.


Krymsk, Russia



June 2-9


Religious Youth Service Project in Nepal

Thirty-six young people participated in service-learning activities June 2-9 in a village in central Nepal. They developed leadership and communication skills, experienced Nepal's rich and diverse faith traditions, and helped build a library at the secondary school and renovate the community drinking water system.


Read also the reflections of a participant from Malaysia, P. Venugopal.

Chitlang, Nepal


March 19


Religious Youth Service Project in Thailand

A Religious Youth Project in northern Thailand on the theme of “Interreligious Cooperation and Service Shaping Character and World Peace” from March 15 to 19 promoted understanding, friendship, and harmony among youth from different religious and cultural backgrounds.


Baan Dadthongchareon, Thailand

January 24-27


Religious Youth Service Project in St. Petersbug, Russia

Participants from Russia, Estonia, and Latvia assembled in the beautiful hall of the House of Writers near St. Petersburg for a Religious Youth Service project January 24-27 helping clean the building and visiting religious sites in the area.


St. Petersburg, Russia

Religious Youth Service 2012 from Universal Peace Federation International

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Donate to the Religious Youth Service (RYS): Your donation will be used for service projects around the world.

Donate to UPF's Africa Projects: Your donation will be used for projects in Africa.