Participants: 32  Nations Represented: 5

Ulan Bator, Mongolia— 8th As Friends Project

Background: In 1999 the RYS had a project in Ulan Bator and as a result an RYS service club was formed in that city. The widening interest among civic and religious leaders gave the RYS a good reason to return with Asian participants from five nations. The work project was done with the cooperation of the Women's Federation for World Peace (WFWP-Japan) who agreed to run the school after the expansion and improvements were made.

Duration: August 14 - 24, 2000

Summary: The project included visits and talks at religious sites, outdoor activities in the beautiful countryside and various unique cultural programs. Among the speakers was an Indian UN official who spoke about Hinduism, a UNESCO director who spoke about the importance of education.

Work: RYS helped on the construction of a 2-story kindergarten (for about 40 children) in a poor and remote area of Ulan Bator. Participants also did light construction work (with wood, cement and paint) inside and around the building, creating an outdoor toilet, making various toys for the children.

Project Director: Mr. Edwin Vandershelde
Educational Directors: Dr Ron Burr, Dr Sherry Hartman-Burr, Mrs. Fazida Razak

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