Participants: 44 | Religions Represented: 2 | Nations Represented: 5 |
Tenaru, Solomon Islands— 12th Island Friendship Project
The RYS held its first project in the Solomon Islands from June 30 to July 6. Currently it is a nation that is working to transition to peace and stability after a civil war and economic turmoil. The project attracted 44 volunteers who represented five Christian denominations and Islam. The work was spread out over four worksites where participants were involved in construction, furniture assembly, painting and restoration.
Duration: June 30 – July 6, 2004
Central Work: Building a bridge
This project had several unique aspects that varied from regular RYS programming. Unique to this program was the gathering of participants from broken and abusive homes. The education component was therefore designed to include a strong component in character education and the creative inclusion of martial arts through the local Tongil Moodo Association. Martial arts drills, exercises and meditation were included beyond our basic visits to places of worship and the RYS education program. Hon. Taneka, Minister of National Peace, Unity and Reconciliation, and one of the IIFWP Ambassadors of Peace, voiced enthusiastic support for this new development and was the signer and presenter of the graduation certificates. Further plans are being made to incorporate Tongil Moodo into some future programs.
Reports from the local villager after the project indicated a great and grateful approval of the positive changes in the volunteers. These volunteers have formed a regular club to continue with their service outreach and are working on programs to help develop economic self-sufficiency.
Co-operating Agencies: Family Federation for World Peace, Interreligious International Federation for World Peace, International Educational Foundation, Ministry of National Peace, Unity and Reconciliation, Tongil Moodo
Key Sponsors: IIFWP