Palau—The Palau service project went from June 15th to the 22nd and consisted of painting a local high school, the toilet block, sun roof, the girls’ sewing classroom and storeroom block. The 23 participants also painted the roof of another school in the village where they were staying. The school had been given some paint for that project some time ago, but no one had ever used it, so the RYS arrival there was a blessing for all.
Participants stayed in the classrooms and were able to use the school’s kitchen facilities. A local fisherman caught fresh fish for the young people everyday, and his wife and other community members helped prepare and cook all the meals.
Besides the work projects, the days consisted of educational presentations, games and activities designed to promote the ideals of RYS, such as planning and working together, gaining a more comprehensive understanding of each other’s faith and challenging the individualism that sometimes isolates people from their fellow human beings.
The program ended with an overnight stay on one of the beautiful small islands of Palau. Koror state government offered a boat tour around some of the hundreds of nearby islands, giving participants the opportunity to go snorkeling in some of the world’s most beautiful dive sites. RYS members went spear fishing and swimming. At night they gathered around a campfire for a time of sharing. Everyone slept on the beach, and officials brought breakfast and lunch by boat from the capital.