Airai, Palau – From July 17 - 23, 2007, 33 participants stayed at the Ked Community Center in Airai, Palau while restoring the historical Bai ra Mlengl, the village's traditional meeting place. The RYS participants' experiences can be described by these statements made by two project participants. "Now I see that different religions can come together to serve one community." And "We have to share our religious beliefs to help each other and our community. If we all have one creator, we are one family."
The local community became very involved with the project. Both the Airai State Governor's Office and the four Airai traditional chiefs supported the RYS project with housing, worksite supervision, and community involvement. Three of the four chiefs, the mother of the village, and several prominent community leaders came to the worksite for the closing. As spoken by the mother of the village at the closing, "This is the best thing that has happened in our community. Bai ra Mlengl, has housed important meetings, weddings, funerals and parties but, this is the first time that people have come together from all over the world to serve this place."
Participants: 33 | Staff Members: 3 |
Religions Represented: 5 | Nations Represented: 8 |
July 17-23, 2006