Conferences Regional
First Asian Leadership Conference in Bangkok
Bangkok, Thailand - A total of 56 participants from four nations attended a four-day seminar in Bangkok, Thailand, July 10-14, 2013 that centered on UPF’s Principles of Peace.
Conference at the UN Center in Vienna on Preventing Violence Against Women
Vienna, Austria - A conference on Leadership Challenges of the 21st Century: The Prevention of Violence against Women and Femicide took place at the Vienna International Center on March 28, 2013.
India's Perspective on the Nepal Peace Process
New Delhi, India - UN representatives, journalists, government officials, student leaders, and NGO envoys, numbering nearly 50, attended a half-day program at the prestigious Civil Services Officers’ Institute in New Delihi on January 24. The theme was “India’s Perspective on Nepal’s Peace Process.”
Forum in Kabul on Peace and Sustainable Development
Kabul, Afghanistan - About 25 people gathered in the Serena Hotel in Kabul on December 15 for a forum on "Innovative Approaches to Sustainable Development and Peace." Afterwards, UPF leaders paid a courtesy call on H.E. Mohammad Karim Khalili, Vice President of Afghanistan.
A Commitment to Peace and Responsible Leadership in Indonesia
Jakarta, Indonesia - In collaboration with the House of Regional Representatives and the Maya Bhakti Pertiwi Foundation, UPF organized a conference on the theme of Innovative Approaches to Peace, Leadership and Good Governance on Dec. 8, 2012.
Brussels Conference Asks Europe to Do More for Human Rights
Brussels, Belgium - Europe has led the world in understanding and promoting human rights. What can it do more? This question was the topic of a European Leadership Conference at the European Parliament in Brussels December 4 and 5.
Berlin Conference Addresses a Future Vision for Europe
Berlin, Germany - A European Leadership Conference in Berlin November 15-17 addressed the issue "What Kind of Europe Do We Want in the Future?" Sessions focused on the economic and political crises as well as the crisis of values.
National Conference on Interreligious Harmony Held in India
Panaji, Goa, India - A message from the President of India's office was read at UPF-India's National Conference on Interreligious Peace and Harmony on Nov. 5, 2012, in Goa.
Conference at the UN Headquarters in Vienna on Europe-Russia Partnership
Vienna, Austria - The Vienna International Center was the setting for the first day of an International Leadership Conference on the theme of "Europe and Russia - Partners in a Globalized World" Oct. 12-13, 2012.
Steps to Peace in Southern Thailand
Songkhla, Thailand – UPF-Thailand took a step forward to peace in a separatist area of southern Thailand with a conference in Songkhla on the topic “Good Governance and Interreligious Cooperation for Lasting Peace” Oct. 5–7, 2012.
Oslo Hosts Leadership Conference on Sustainable Peace
Oslo, Norway - UPF-Europe organized a European Leadership Conference Sept. 20-22, 2012 in Oslo linked to the theme of the 2012 International Day of Peace: "Sustainable Peace for a Sustainable Future."
Nepal's Political Leaders Stress Need for Consensus
Kathmandu, Nepal — "Building peace is not a spectator sport," the Vice-President of Nepal explained at the opening of a two-day International Leadership Conference in Kathmandu Sept. 1, 2012.
Conference on the Family at the UN Headquarters in Geneva
Geneva, Switzerland - A European Leadership Conference took place at the UN headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland on "The Contribution of the Family to Peace, Human Development and Prosperity" July 5-6, 2012.
Conference in Panama on Regional Cooperation in Latin America and the Caribbean
Panama City, Panama - “Regional Cooperation in Latin America and the Caribbean for Peace and Development,” was the title of a June 22-24 UPF conference in Panama City with representatives from Argentina, Brazil, Costa Rica, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, St. Lucia, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay, and Venezuela.
Consultation in Sydney on Peace and Security in the Pacific
Sydney, Australia - An International Leadership Conference on “Consultation for Peace and Security in the Pacific” was held in Sydney June 15 to 17, 2012, to discuss critical issues facing nations in the Oceania region.
London Conference on Protecting the Unempowered and Dispossessed
London, UK - A European Leadership Conference in London June 15-17 considered "Human Rights and the Protection of the Un-Empowered and the Dispossessed." Distinguished delegates from many European countries were in attendance.
Toronto Conference Draws on Global Wisdom for Strengthening Families
Toronto, Canada - UPF-Canada held a joint conference with the Women's Federation for World Peace in Toronto on June 9 on Promoting Strong Family Values as a Foundation for a Peaceful Nation in support of the UN International Day of Families.
Baltic Dialogue Forum Held in Estonia
Tallinn, Estonia - UPF-Estonia convened a leadership conference on the theme of "Peace Building in Multicultural Societies - The Baltic Dialogue Initiative" in Tallinn on June 2.
Tbilisi Forum on Peacebuilding in Multicultural Societies
Tbilisi, Georgia - A Leadership Conference on “Peacebuilding in Multicultural Societies: The South Caucasus Peace Initiative,” May 31, 2012, drew participants from Georgia, Azerbaijan, Russia, France, Japan and USA.
Conference Explores Principles for Peace and Security in Kosovo
Pristina, Kosovo - A conference in the government offices of Pristina May 28 and 29, 2012, explored how Kosovans and the international community can best support peaceful and effective state-building.