D. Burton: Address to Rally of Hope II
September 27, 2020
“Parliamentarians are elected by the people and they represent the hearts of the people of their nations.”
J. De Venecia: Address to Rally of Hope II
September 27, 2020
“We, however, refuse to believe that we have lost the will, lost the spirit, lost the ability, to forge ahead, to move forward with a renewed sense of community that will enable all of us together to deal authoritatively with our collective problems.”
J. M. Barroso: Address to Rally of Hope II
September 27, 2020
“Values like peace, freedom, and above all the dignity of every human being.”
D. Cheney: Address to Rally of Hope II
September 27, 2020
“It should always be clear as well that our security commitments to friends and their region are unbreakable.”
E. Carvalho: Address to Rally of Hope II
September 27, 2020
“Young people are the spearhead of society.”
H.J.H. Moon: Address to Rally of Hope II
September 27, 2020
“If one-tenth of that money could be used for the people, and nations consequently became prosperous, would any of these countries think of waging war?”
D. Quayle: Address to Rally of Hope II
September 27, 2020
“We know that true peace comes about when people can unite, and the best way to come together is to recognize that there are universal values that can serve as a compass setting for everyone.”
H. Samrin: Address to Rally of Hope II
September 27, 2020
“As the world suffers from the Covid-19 crisis, working together, enhancing international cooperation and universal solidarity are essential and indispensable for our common interest.”
Y. Gillani: Address to Rally of Hope II
September 27, 2020
“This can be a critical point in history and how we respond to the threat of the global pandemic, Covid-19, and the lessons we learn from this experience are of critical importance.”
P. White: Address to Rally of Hope I
August 9, 2020
“You know, God is the author of peace. True peace cannot exist without him. His word promises us that he will keep us in perfect peace if we keep our focus on him.”
K.M. Ban: Address to Rally of Hope I
August 9, 2020
“Rampant nationalism is threatening the security of humanity.”
N. Gingrich: Address to Rally of Hope I
August 9, 2020
“So, I am an optimist. Yes, we have challenges. Yes, there are difficulties. But I believe that we can in fact work together—all of you are the example of this—we can reach across national boundaries, we can reach across parties and differences.”
C. Date: Address to Rally of Hope I
August 9, 2020
“So, I am an optimist. Yes, we have challenges. Yes, there are difficulties. But I believe that we can in fact work together—all of you are the example of this—we can reach across national boundaries, we can reach across parties and differences.”
Hun Sen: Address to Rally of Hope I
August 9, 2020
“This means that the international community must work together to turn the fight against Covid-19 into a common battle.”
M. Sall: Address to Rally of Hope I
August 9, 2020
“The Covid-19 pandemic ignores borders as well as social, ideological and geopolitical considerations. It brings to light the limits of the most sophisticated health care systems and shows us our common vulnerabilities—men and women, young and old, rich and poor.”
H.J.H. Moon: Address to Rally of Hope I
August 9, 2020
“A community of one human family unified through interdependence, mutual prosperity and universally shared values...”
B. Rafini: Address to Rally of Hope I
August 9, 2020
“When it comes to interfaith dialogue and cooperation, I can confirm that there are universal values that all people affirm beyond race, ethnicity, religion or ideology.”
J. Morales: Address to Rally of Hope I
August 9, 2020
“The economy collapsed and people realized the fragility of humanity.”
A. Moisiu: Address to Rally of Hope I
August 9, 2020
“We need also to strengthen human solidarity, because the disease does not ask if you are rich or poor, and the consequences suffered are the same for all.”
S. Harper: Address to Rally of Hope I
August 9, 2020
“International institutions cannot function effectively without the cooperation and leadership of the world’s strongest powers.”