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UPF-Argentina: What Water Can Tell Us

  Argentina-2015-03-18-What Water Can Tell Us


Buenos Aires, Argentina—Addressing the forum “Water for Our Future,” Mr. Miguel Werner, secretary general of UPF-Argentina, explored ethical issues connected to human use of water.

The forum took place on March 18, 2015, in honor of World Water Day, a United Nations day which is observed each year on March 22. Held at the Argentinian Federation of Municipalities headquarters in Buenos Aires, it was a precursor to the 7th World Water Forum, which will take place in Daegu, Korea, from April 12 to 17.

In his presentation, “Water Has Something More to Tell Us,” Mr. Werner referred to the words of another speaker, Gonzalo del Castillo: “The issue of water is not a technical issue, but an ethical one.” Mr. Werner asked: “Is the water issue part of leaders’ agenda? How is it possible that water is still not available in all schools? This is an atrocity, as well as the privation of this vital element for survival, its pollution, its waste, etc.”

Chief Seattle (1786-1866) of the Suquamish tribe in the United States once said: “The shining water that moves in the streams and rivers is not just water, but the blood of our ancestors. … [I]t is sacred and should teach their sons and daughters that they are; that they quench our thirst, they carry our canoes, and feed our children.”

Mr. Werner also quoted from U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s World Water Day 2015 message: “To address the many challenges related to water, we must work in a spirit of urgent cooperation, open to new ideas and innovation, and prepared to share the solutions that we all need for a sustainable future.If we do so, we can end poverty, promote global prosperity and well-being, protect the environment and withstand the threat of climate change.”

Mr. Werner showed a short video, “Hidden Messages in Water”, which contained excerpts from the 2004 film What the Bleep Do We Know!? The video describes research by Dr. Masaru Emoto of Japan, who sought to prove that human consciousness affects the molecular structure of water.

“Today, apart from the power of the word, we talk about the power of intention and thought; and, if we consider that we and our world consist of more than 70 percent water, we will be amazed by our influence, positive or negative, on our surroundings,” Mr. Werner said.

Mr. Werner thanked Andrea Vega of the foundation Chacras (“Farms”) of Buenos Aires for including UPF in this important event. He also mentioned Elizabeth Fogwill, Gonzalo del Castillo, and all the members of the Movement Water and Youth of Argentina, and said they are to be admired for their valuable work.

Translation: Yamila Gómez


Related Links:

Video: Hidden Messages in Water (Spanish)

Chacras ("Farms") of Buenos Aires (facebook)

Water and Youth of Argentina Official Site (Spanish)


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