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Service Programs

UPF-Argentina Announces 3rd Annual Volunteerism and the Common Good Contest


Buenos Aires, Argentina - In honor of UN International Volunteer Day, December 5, UPF-Argentina invites nominations for its third annual contest on the theme of Volunteerism and the Common Good.

“We must be the change we wish to see in the world” (Mahatma Gandhi); “We ourselves feel that whatwe are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop” (Mother Teresa).


1. Objective: To recognize and reward the organizations or volunteers who invest their heart and resources for the development of initiatives promoting the common good. This third annual contest seeks to bring recognition to the theme and encourage service as the seed for promoting social, community, and global peace.

2. Categories: The Contest is open to volunteers and organizations presenting initiatives and programs developed during 2013 in the following categories: 1. Education, 2. Art and culture, 3. Integration of disabled people, 4. Self help and spirituality, 5. Comprehensive health, 6. Communication, 7. Environment and ecology, 8. Childhood, 9. Seniors, 10. Sports and recreation, and 11. Others.

3. Requirements: The proposal must be presented in written form and must contain: 1. Title and/or motto of the initiative or activity; 2. A brief description of it; 3. Links to a website, blog, video, or press release where more details can be found; 4. Category in which the contestant is entering; 5. Information about the organization and the person who is presenting the proposal: name, address, phone number, e-mail, website, etc. Each contestant can submit projects related two initiatives. The submission letter should not exceed one A4 page, Times New Roman font number 12.

4. Deadline The proposals should be sent by e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. between September 21 (UN International Day of Peace) and November 1.

5. Criteria: The jury will take into account the contribution of the submission for the “common good”, social responsibility, sustainable development, civic engagement, spirit of service and cooperation, sense of family, and the promotion of peace, transcending religious and cultural barriers, all values promoted by UPF. Also to be considered are the originality, number of people or organizations which are involved in the project that took part, and the community impact that the proposal produced.

6. Awards:  First, Second, and Third Prizes will be awarded in each category. There will also be special Mentions. All the winners will receive diploma and gifts. The names of the winning projects and initiatives and its developers will be broadcast through the media as another way of promoting service and peace.

7. Jury: Ms. Silvia Gabriela Vázquez, Ms. Constanza Sena, Mr. Hugo Cattoni, Alejandro D’Alessandro, and a member of the Board of Directors of UPF-Argentina. It includes professionals of different disciplines, specialists and people experienced in social work and volunteering. The jury’s verdict is final, and it will have the right to resolve any issue which is not covered in the Terms.

8. Award Ceremony: The award ceremony will be held on December 5, during the celebration of the International Volunteer Day for Economic and Social Development, established by UN Resolution 40/212, 17-12-1985, that urged “acting to raise awareness of how important is the contribution of the volunteers, stimulating more people from all social conditions to offer their services as volunteers.” The program will have the motto, “Let’s say together: ‘Thank you!’” The place and time will be announced.

9. Organization: The Contest is organized by UPF-Argentina, with the sponsorship of the International Educative Foundation. The UPF has as its mottoes: “The hope of all ages is a unified world of peace,” “A global family centered of God” and “True love is the ideal and guiding principle.”

10. Participating in this Contest implies accepting these Terms.

UPF Argentina: Tacuarí 202 – 8º Piso (Buenos Aires) - Tel: 011-4343-3005 - E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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