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S. Jaju: Address to 32nd International Leadership Conference

Address to 32nd International Leadership Conference, Seoul, Korea, August 26–29, 2018


Peace, Development and the Role of Religious Leaders

By Hon. Shyam Jaju, National Vice President, Bharatiya Janata Party (Ruling Party of India)


Dr. Thomas Walsh, International Chairman of UPF and all UPF Office holders, Religious and Political Leaders from around the world, my Fellow Panelists, brothers and sisters.

In my capacity as the National Vice President of the current ruling party of India and on behalf of the Prime Minister of 1.3 billion people of India, Shri Narendra Modi ji, and my Party President Shri Amit Shah ji I extend a warm greeting to you all, “NAMASTE.”

Before I begin my speech, I would like to direct your attention for 1 minute of silent prayer for the recent passing of the beloved leader of India, the Ex. Foreign Minister and Former Prime Minister of India, Shri Atal Bihari Vajpaee ji, who was not only a political leader of India but was a dynamic peace icon for the whole Indian subcontinent. May I ask you all to stand in silence for a minute. ……“OM SHANTI.”

I would like also to salute the UPF Founders, Father and Mother Moon, for their dedicated work for world peace and harmony. Particularly I pay my homage and tribute to the late Father Moon on this occasion of the Sixth Anniversary of his Holy Ascension. I am honored to be a part of the Global Peace Movement of UPF as the Ambassador for Peace from India. At this time, as a delegate of the 32nd ILC, I am standing here to speak on the topic, “Critical Challenges of our Time: Regional Perspective.”

As a son of the great civilization of the Indian sub-continent, a mere seven minutes is too short for me to highlight the Indian perspective in recognizing the critical challenges of our time. We largely believe peace comes through dialogue, cooperation and principled actions. This is not new for India; rather, this is our old heritage and working culture, which is well described in the oldest scripture of the world called RIG VEDA, which I quote:

 “सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनःसर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः ।

सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु मा कश्चिद्दुःखभाग्भवेत् ।
May All become Happy, May All be Free from Illness.

May All See what is Auspicious, May no one Suffer.” Unquote.

This is the guiding principle of India. Our great leader, Mahatma Gandhi, narrated this philosophy and principles through his actions, particularly in the freedom struggle using peace and non-violence. I am proud to be a descendant of such an ancient philosophy for peace. This philosophy has not only survived in India, making today’s India the largest democratic country, welcoming and embracing all the great religions of the world, but India has remained as the pathfinder and guide to the world in establishing global peace. 

Irrespective of critical challenges of today’s world, we should find ways for smooth solutions. The world transformation cycle is moving at very rapid pace. Social circumstances are also changing day by day. We usually call it development but in such a situation, man is trapped in a severe storm. Outwardly physical and economic progress is seen only when many resources and amenities are being amalgamated. New inventions are emerging every day, but in the eternal sense the human being is falling down and breaking apart. Humanity’s faith in peace and goodwill toward society and the joy of life are slowly fading away. In place of mutual harmony, equality and integrity in the society, evils and selfishness are rampant. In the kingdom of evil, goodness is only seen as an exception. We can say, one step forward, two steps backward, which is an awkward position. It seems sometimes we are unable to even realize where we actually stand.

Today’s challenges and crises of a particular place or region cannot be identified as unique regional problems. Any single problem of a particular region is a global problem affecting the whole. Even after recognizing and confronting such challenges, we are unable to address accurate solutions to these prevailing global problems, such as climate change, global warming, conservation of biodiversity, gender inequality, poverty and widespread terrorism. Low growth rate of the manufacturing sector is a very big problem in a global economy, increasing unemployment in every country. The population explosion is no less than the other hurdles in this world. Illiteracy is the root cause of any such problem, which has to be dealt with as the utmost priority. Even UNESCO also states that consistent efforts are needed to reach the new literacy targets of UN SDGs by 2030.

We need development of physical and digital infrastructure for the required economic growth, which has been so well promoted and implemented by the current Indian government under the visionary leadership of the Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi Ji, who is implementing the principles of Reform, Perform and Transform through a digital and developmental revolution by narrating the formula: “SAB KA SATH SAB KA VIKAS (COLLECTIVE EFFORTS, INCLUSIVE GROWTH).”

Before I conclude, I would like to reemphasize that no matter how big and serious and complicated are the problems we face today, there is no reason at all to be afraid and lose hope. We have to work in the given situation collectively, cordially and subjectively because there is no metal that has no melting point. The great Indian philosopher Swami Vivekananda ji said, “There are no problems that have no solutions.” Through a thinking process we can go ahead with dialogue and sharing of our views and opinions. All parliamentarians, religious leaders, civil society leaders should make united efforts to achieve these goals. Organizations like the Universal Peace Federation can play a very important role to that end.

I thank the organizers for giving me this opportunity to speak at this august gather and thank you all for listening to me.  

Thank you.



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