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Ambassadors for Peace

UPF-Argentina Celebrates Accomplishments of 2018

Argentina-2018-12-20-UPF-Argentina Celebrates Accomplishments of 2018

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Buenos Aires, Argentina—UPF-Argentina celebrated its accomplishments of 2018 at an event it held on December 20 at Club Español in Buenos Aires city. Also at the year-end meeting, whose theme was “Share, Acknowledge and Celebrate” several Ambassadors for Peace were recognized, and the 13th anniversary of the chapter’s founding was celebrated.

The event began with reading of letters of support for the event, including a letter from provincial deputy of Buenos Aires Dr. Rosío Antinori. Then, music was performed by Makenna Zambonini, an Ambassador for Peace and founder of Noches de Música por la Paz (1).

After a review of UPF-Argentina’s areas of activities (2), video summaries of several memorable events that took place during the year, including the celebration of the International Day of Families (3) and the olive tree planting ceremony in front of the Argentine National Congress, organized by the International Association of Parliamentarians for Peace (IAPP) (4), and a video of participants of the Peace Road 2018 event in Buenos Aires sharing their experiences (5) taking part in the event, were shown.

UPF-Argentina also paid tribute to Ambassadors for Peace who passed away in 2018: Mrs. Alicia Enriqueta Di Matteo; Mr. Guido Roberto Vega; Mrs. Ariel Hernán Ceferino Zuccarino Molinari; and Mr. José Bilbao Richter, a former member of UPF’s Global Peace Council.

Three Ambassadors for Peace were recognized for their work: Mrs. Alba Rosa Contardo (6), Mr. Jorge Néstor Alcaraz (7) and Mrs. María Helena Rodríguez Sivera (8). Moreover, Mrs. Elizabeth Fogwill was recognized for the environmental education work she has carried out through Agua y Juventud (Water and Youth) and the Recreación Ambiental (Environmental Recreation) initiative of the group, ECO. Mrs. Fogwill donated saplings to Ambassadors for Peace at the chapter’s celebration of the International Day of Friendship and at the celebration of the International Day of Families this year. Her donation contributed to supporting the “Let’s Plant Trees: Let’s Sow the Seeds of Peace” campaign, organized by UPF-Argentina and the environmental literacy program Y volverán a ser Árboles. At this event, she gave 13 plants to the guests.

A Universal Peace Flag was given to Ambassadors for Peace Mr. Horacio Daboul, president of the Institutional Relations Committee District 4895 – Rotary Club International, and Mr. Hernán Provot and Mrs. Constanza Sena, from E Club Oeste and elected governor 2021-2022 of District 4905 Rotary Club International, as well as Mrs. Ana María Sanchis, director of the Hispanic-Global Union of Argentinian Writers (Unión Hispanomundial de Escritores de Argentina) in Buenos Aires city.

During the event, UPF-Argentina received a certificate of recognition from the Central Board of Historical Studies of Buenos Aires city, overseen by Prof. Nélida Rosa Pareja.

The event concluded with members of the Peace Council offering a toast.


(1) A video of Makenna Zambonini’s musical performance can be viewed at:

(2) UPF-Argentina’s areas of activities: (1) Education: Principles and values of peace; (2) Spirituality: Interreligious dialogue and cooperation; (3) Family: Marriage and cross-generational bonds; (4) Service: Volunteering and service for peace; (5) Culture: Arts, sports and culture of peace; (6) Leadership: Governance with a perspective of peace; (7) Cooperation: UN, governments and civil society organizations; and (8) Sustainability: Environment and sustainability.

(3) A video summary of the celebration of the International Day of Families can be viewed at:

(4) A video summary of the olive tree planting ceremony, organized by IAPP-Argentina, can be viewed at:

(5) A video of participants of the Peace Road 2018 event in Buenos Aires sharing their experiences taking part in the event can be viewed at

(6) Alba Rosa Contardo: “For her wonderful willpower, service, support, and collaboration on various initiatives and activities of UPF, as a member of UPF-Argentina’s Peace Council. For promoting spirituality and a culture of peace through poetry. For her willingness to share the Word and give prayers at interreligious meetings and to anyone who may need them, as a pastor and missionary of the Ministry Centro Mundial de los Milagros.”

(7) Jorge Néstor Alcaraz: “For his service, support, and collaboration on various initiatives of UPF, for reaffirming the value of marriage and family as a foundation of peace. For providing public spaces to plant olive trees under the “Let’s Plant Trees: Let’s Sow the Seeds of Peace” campaign in Buenos Aires city. For promoting literature and culture through SADE, the Argentinian Society of Writers in Almafuerte.”

(8) María Helena Rodríguez Sivera: “For promoting living a healthy life focused on personal growth and spiritual development through Radio TV FM Diamante. For providing a venue for Ambassadors for Peace, for sharing UPF’s initiatives and doing special radio programs on the Peace Road and celebration of the International Day of Families. For reaffirming her marriage vows, promoting family values and committing to keep learning the principles of peace.”

Fiesta Plena

A poem for the 13th anniversary of UPF-Argentina

Compartir las perlas nuestras,

los pasos, las huellas…

como en el cielo, las estrellas…

chispas de la siembra.

Reconocer la fraternal entrega

comprometida, servicial…, despierta

la vida en la Tierra,

cultivo de la Paz que el Amor libera.

Celebrar con los valores de la divina escuela

en el aniversario de la visión primera;

abrazo universal, belleza verdadera,

en bondadosa familia ¡FIESTA PLENA!

Ambassador for Peace María Irene Giurlani

President of Naciones Unidas de las Letras, Uniletras & Semillas de Juventud Siglo XXI

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