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Ambassadors for Peace

UPF-Argentina Honors Ambassadors for Peace and Celebrates 2019 Activities

Argentina-2019-12-11-UPF-Argentina Honors Ambassadors for Peace and Celebrates 2019 Activities

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Buenos Aires, Argentina—Under the theme “Sharing, Recognizing and Celebrating,” UPF-Argentina closed 2019 activities on December 11, the date of its 14th anniversary. The meeting took place at the Peace Embassy, where we looked back at all we shared this year through some videos, and we gave recognition to Ambassadors for Peace. We had artistic performances, and we cut a cake to celebrate the birthday of UPF’s launching in Argentina, as well as the birthdays of Ambassadors for Peace who were born in December. At the end, we had a toast to wish for good omens for 2020.

At the beginning, Alba Luz Tangarife, member of the Peace Council, read some of the greetings received for the occasion from the Civil Society Red Cooperar of Buenos Aires City (1). Then Ambassadors for Peace Paz Luis Acuña and Cristina Estrada danced a tango (2) in honor of National Tango Day, celebrated in Argentina since 1977, instituted to highlight the importance of this artistic expression and to honor Carlos Gardel’s birthdate.

Afterwards, we showed videos on some of the activities held this year, remembering and reaffirming values promoted through UPF’s lines of action: Education, Spirituality, Family, Service, Culture, Leadership, Cooperation, and Sustainability. We presented a review of the UN International Day of Families celebrated in Buenos Aires with the Social and Cultural Arab League; the World Friendship Day and appointment of new Ambassadors for Peace; the 2018–2019 campaign “Let’s Plant Trees: Let’s Sow Peace;” and Peace Road in Buenos Aires (3).

Next, we gave certificates to Ambassadors for Peace 2019, an award given by UPF-Argentina every year since 2009 to highlight their work. This year, certificates were given to Esteban Fauret and Amalia Daibes “For their endless cultural and environmental work through the Program ‘Y volverán a ser árboles.’ For the campaign “Let’s Plant Trees: Let’s Sow Peace” 2018–2019 and 2019–2020 held along with UPF, a project that seeks to encourage commitment for peaceful coexistence with our natural environment, our ‘common home’.”

Patricia Pitaluga and Jorge Tuero were awarded “For their service vocation and commitment to unite peoples and cultures through Civil Association Acercando Naciones. For their valuable institutional participation in 2019 Peace Road Argentina and the initiative ‘Liberation Embrace’ held along with UPF at the Legislators Circle: a contribution to dialogue, cooperation, reconciliation, and peaceful coexistence.” And Faiza Yahia: “For her committed faith, for her predisposition to various activities promoted by UPF, for her empowerment as a woman at interfaith meetings and prayers. For her service vocation, loyalty and contributions as a member of UPF-Argentina’s Peace Council.”

During the recognitions, we remembered some of the Ambassadors for Peace who passed away during the year: Mirta Zangaro, Pastor Marta Pereyra, and Dr. Luis César Guedes Arroyo, who was part of the Local and Global Peace Council 2012–2015. We also delivered the Universal Peace Flag, promoted by the “Pacis Nuntii” Movement (“Peace Messengers”), through which they seek to spread the values of “peace, love and brotherhood.” Those who received the Peace Flag were graphologist and art therapist Cecilia Amarante and Liliana Hernández, for their support and contribution in different activities.

The event, conducted by Secretary General of UPF-Argentina Miguel Werner, was followed by celebration of the 14th anniversary of UPF-Argentina’s launch. For the occasion, young guests from Japan, Wonhwa, Sumi, Rie, Mami, Yuri, and Keina, danced “Arirang” and sang “Himno de la Paz” (4). Pastor and missionary Alba Rosa Contardo, member of the Local and Global Peace Council, read her poem “14 años” (5). Then we had a toast for good omens for 2020, shared lunch and gave away a food basket (6).


1) “To the beautiful Universal Peace Federation (UPF) Argentina family.

Civil Society Red Cooperar, its member institutions and collaborators, as well as volunteers of the General Coordination Unity and its General Coordinators, wish to express our joy for the strategic bond we have developed for years, based on mutual respect, cooperation and the fact we share transcendent values such as solidarity and commitment to realize world peace.

We want to support you on this important date with the conviction of: Sharing universal values, understanding the essential work of UPF, and celebrating the commitment and determination of our work.

We wish all of you Merry Christmas and a happy 2020. I hope that, in 2020, we get closer than ever, in the great challenge of building, nurturing and sustaining peace every day, translating words into actions and maintaining consistency through time, beyond any difference, being able to build consensus in our country, our region, and our world.

Many congratulations.

RED COOPERAR de Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires”

2) Tango danced by Peace Ambassadors Luis Acuña and Cristina Estrada: Click here

3) International Day of Families 2019 – Cultural and Social Arab League – UPF-Argentina

World Friendship Day and appointment of Peace Ambassadors 2019 – UPF-Argentina

Report on the Campaign "Let’s Plant Trees: Let’s Sow Peace" 2018-2019

Peace Road Buenos Aires 2019

4) “Himno de la Paz”: Click here

5) Poem: 14 años

Celebremos, celebremos
Catorce años de andar
Hacia un tiempo diferente
Con alas de libertad
Se aproxima fin de año
Una década se va
Y llega el 2020
Con algo muy especial.
Sueños que juntos soñamos
Almas para conquistar
Metas, proyectos, anhelos
Es tiempo de cosechar
Iluminados por Dios
En obediencia total
Veremos como el desierto
En Oasis cambiará.
Cada uno es importante
Y así se puede lograr
En unidad y armonía
Caminar hacia la Paz
Catorce años de siembra
Con semillas de humildad
Llegamos a cada meta
Pero queremos aún más.
Un puente de esperanza
Un camino de hermandad
Dejando atrás diferencias
Para poder avanzar.
El cambio está en nosotros
Y así, todo cambiará
Llegará la primavera
Y el sueño se cumplirá
Las naciones restauradas
Los pueblos cantando en paz
Banderas limpias al viento
Y las grullas pasarán.
Alba Contardo

6) Greetings and good omens for 2020: Click here

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