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UPF-Argentina’s Weekly Zoom Sessions Offer Moments to Listen and Learn

Argentina-2020-06-29-UPF-Argentina’s Weekly Zoom Sessions Offer Moments to Listen and Learn

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Buenos Aires, Argentina—Forgiveness was the theme of the 11th reading, reflection, and prayer session of UPF-Argentina on June 29, 2020, held on Zoom. Among the 16 participants were Ambassadors for Peace, relatives and other guests. “Honoring a Peace Legacy: Centennial Year” is the context of this meeting held by UPF-Argentina each Monday since April 20.

On this occasion, we read a brief extract of a speech given by UPF Co-founder in 1973, found in the book Pyeong Hwa Gyeong (Peace Messages), selected and read by Eduardo Corales, member of UPF-Argentina’s Peace Council.

Reading: In this time, we need forgiveness and love:

The Bible narrates the times where teachers of the law and the Pharisees tested Jesus. They brought in a woman that was to be stoned. This woman was taken in adultery, in the very act. The Mosaic law prescribes such punishment. However, Jesus’s message was forgiveness. “He straightened up and said to them: ‘Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.’ Those who heard began to go away one at a time, the older ones first, until only Jesus was left, with the woman still standing there. Jesus straightened up and asked her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?” “No one, sir,” she said. “Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.” (John 8:3-11) No one dared to throw the stone first!”

Afterwards, we had a reflection session, moderated by Miguel Werner, UPF-Argentina’s secretary general. Julio Nardini, member of the Peace Council, made a final summary of all comments. In the beginning, Rosa Di Lorenzo offered the opening prayer, and Emanuel Sayavedra, member of UPF-Argentina’s Governing Board, ended the meeting by reading “Crown of Glory”—very appropriate for this meeting (*).

11th Session Video:

Each session is a valuable moment to learn and listen, to strengthen unity in times like these that challenge us to keep high hopes and be upbeat to support and help in material, emotional and spiritual needs. Testimonies can make people laugh and cry, and prayers are offered for those in need.

The themes of the previous sessions were the following: “The Power of Loving the Enemy” (June 22), “Interreligious Harmony and Peace” (June 15), “Freedom and Expression Responsibility” (June 8), “The Purpose of Religion” (June 1), “Challenges for the Integration of Peoples and Cultures” (May 25), “Science and Ethics” (May 18), “The Value of the Father/Mother-Son/Daughter, God-Humanity Relationship” (May 11), “The Principle of Living for the Sake of Others” (May 4), “Unity” (April 27), and “The Four Great Realms of the Heart and the Three Great Kingships” (April 20).

The tradition of different spiritual communities is to share the Word: to learn, to meditate, to reflect. In this sense, the word should enlighten our life and should result in positive thoughts and good actions. “And we do not only learn from what we read, but also from the reflections everyone shares based on their knowledge on the subject or their experience. On the other side, prayers constitute an act of humility, of connecting with our transcendent origin, since there are situations that transcend us, in times when humanity has fallen into arrogance, forgetting their divine design or openly rejecting their spiritual sense,” expressed Miguel Werner, secretary general of UPF-Argentina, in the opening session on April 20.

*Crown of Glory

When I doubt people, I feel pain.
When I judge people, it is unbearable.
When I hate people, there is no value to my existence.
Yet if I believe, I am deceived.
If I love, I am betrayed
Suffering and grieving tonight, my head in my hands.
Am I wrong?
Yes, I am wrong.
Even though we are deceived, still believe,
Though we are betrayed, still forgive.
Love completely, even those who hate you.
Wipe your tears away and welcome with a smile
Those who know nothing but deceit,
And those who betray without regret.
O, Master, the pain of loving.
Look at my hands.
Place your hand on my chest.
My heart is bursting, such agony.
But when I love those who acted against me,
I brought victory.
If you have done the same things,
I will give you the Crown of Glory.

Sun Myung Moon
Poem written when he was 16 (1936)

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