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Ambassadors for Peace

UPF-Argentina Welcomes New Ambassadors for Peace

Argentina-2021-05-12-UPF-Argentina’s Welcome of New Ambassadors for Peace Attracts Over 100 Viewers


Argentina—On May 12, 2021, UPF-Argentina recognized and appointed 13 new Ambassadors for Peace (1) in our monthly meeting, with more than 100 connections on Zoom (2). Representatives and individuals from different areas were recognized for their values and good practices, and this was shared in the media (3).

The program, brilliantly moderated by Ambassadors for Peace Luba Opeka and Mario Cáceres, began with an introductory video on UPF’s mission and work (4). “Together we will be stronger, and together we will achieve more results for God and humankind,” expressed Simao Ferabolli, secretary general of UPF-South America, in a brief message shared in the beginning, where he especially greeted new and active Ambassadors for Peace. He appreciated “this great global network of Ambassadors,” for their work building a “peace culture” to “finally witness the Kingdom of Heaven established on Earth. This was Jesus’ wish for more than 2,000 years,” which is currently being carried out by “Father and Mother Moon.”

Carlos Varga, director of UPF-Argentina, briefly expounded on the first UPF Peace Principle: “We are one global family with the same Creator,” starting with reflecting on the mission of the Ambassadors for Peace. “Can we say that, among the thousands and millions of elements existing in the universe, everything has occurred randomly?” he asked. “The ecosystem is a great design, a great piece,” he answered. “The universe and human life are not casual; they are at least causative,” he continued, quoting Romans 1:20. “All that exists on earth, including human beings, is interconnected and is part of a great piece,” he expressed. In the end, he talked about the duality of positivity and negativity in all creation, which allows its existence and perpetuity. Humans are the “exalted work of God (…) the masterpiece,” manifested in “the union between men and women.”

The recognized people were:

Julio Rodolfo Aro: President of the No Me Olvides Foundation, which promoted the recognition of Argentinian fallen soldiers in the Malvinas War along with the British Captain Geoffrey Cardozo.


Betina Beamonte De Agnes: Tireless social and educational worker since her arrival in Río Grande (Tierra del Fuego) many decades ago, with a permanent commitment expressed in her “Yo voy,” holding a soup kitchen.


Alejandro Costas: Plastic artist who claims peace through his works. His educational-artistic project “Re-Creo en el arte” has visited more than 400 educational institutions, where he explains and develops his technique and art.


Rosa Di Lorenzo: Teacher, writer, communicator, catechist, and social worker; president of the Commission “Pope Francis: Culture of Encounter, Work and Family” of the Legislative Personal Association.


Irma Droz: Teacher, writer, poet, and cultural broker. Founder and president of “América Madre,” institution committed to culture, the integration of peoples, life and peace; with branches in American and European countries.


Cesáreo Esparza and Ivone Badia: They were missionaries for many years and currently are advisers of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification in Argentina, from where they carry out their educational and spiritual work.


Nancy García Molina: Teacher and lecturer. Founder of AVES Foundation (Environment, Life, Education and Sustainability), where she has provided her services for 25 years on themes related to environmental education.


Emilio Lagranja: President of the SAPUCAI Foundation and founder of the Silesians Former Students Association. From his experience as a journalist, he shows his social commitment through outreach and solidarity work.


Senpo Oshiro: Missionary monk of Japan’s Soto Zen Buddhist School, carrying out solidary, interreligious and peace activities. He directs and teaches in the Nanzenji Buddhistit Association in Buenos Aires and in Zen groups in Latin America.


Graciela Páez Báez: Teacher, public official, National General Religions Coordinator of the Baháʼís in Argentina and secretary of the Provincial Interreligious Board of San Juan and other interreligious dialogue and cooperation spaces.


Natty Petrosino: For decades she has supported the Wichi native people in the Formosa Province. Recognized for her social and human rights work, she has extended her solidarity to countries such as Nicaragua, Russia and Ukraine.


Leda Soto: As an author, composer and singer, she built solidarity bridges with rural families and the culture of the native people Selknam; enhancing her work through the National Radio in Río Grande (Tierra del Fuego).


Prof. Julio Nardini, representative of the International Association of Academicians for Peace, gave a warm welcome to the new Ambassadors for Peace representing the Peace Council. “Let’s dream everything is possible, united by peace,” expressed Miguel Werner, President of UPF-Argentina, in the emotional closing with a toast for good omens.

The meeting included two songs by the pop-lyrical group Héroe, consisting of baritone Federico Picone and tenors Sebastián Russo and Alejandro Falcone. The songs were “Unidos por la Paz” and “Soñemos que todo es posible” (5).


1) Ambassadors for Peace is a global initiative created more than 20 years ago by inspiration and impulse of Dr. Sun Myung Moon and his wife, Dr. Hak Ja Han, through the International Interreligious Federation for World Peace, whose mission was inherited and followed by UPF in 2005. More info:

2) Recording of recognitions/appointments 12-5-2021:


3) Press releases:

4) Introductory video on UPF’s mission and work:

5) Music videos:

“Unidos por la Paz”:

“Soñemos que todo es posible”:

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