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H.J.H. Moon: Address to Rally of Hope VII

Address to Rally of Hope VII
September 12, 2021


I listened intently, with sincere attention and gratitude, to the keynote addresses delivered by all the leaders longing for peace worldwide, and particularly by the seven heads of state who attended Think Tank 2022.

To see the completion of the providence of God that is the hope of this age, you who have been chosen based on the history of God’s work should know that God is fully present within the profound meaning of the work to bring about a world of peace and a heavenly unified Korea. God, our Creator, is the Heavenly Parent of humankind. Today, we find ourselves in a situation where people, although they are Heavenly Parent’s children, are unable to go to Him.

After the Fall, Heaven invested great effort and 2,000 years ago sent Jesus Christ through the people of Israel. He was the true ancestor of humankind. He was the Messiah. Unfortunately, however, Mary, who gave birth to him, the Jewish leaders and the people of Israel did not recognize the true lord. It was their responsibility to create an environment that would allow Jesus to take on the role of the True Parent. However, this could not be accomplished, so as Jesus went to the cross, he promised that he would come again. He said he would return and hold the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.

Through the apostles and disciples of Jesus, the Christian faith had its beginnings. They suffered indescribable persecution in their early years. Only after some 300 years had passed was Christianity formally recognized in Rome and began growing centered on the Italian peninsula. It spread to Britain via continental Europe, and through Britain opened the era of Atlantic civilization. It then spread worldwide.

Christians, however, were unaware of Jesus’ true nature and essence. Furthermore, they did not know what kind of being the Creator God was. Why is it that conflicts and wars arise between many countries within the Christian civilization?

At the end of the Second World War, the Korean Peninsula was divided between North and South Korea, between communism and democracy. However, God’s providence could not be stopped. God sought to carry out His providence through the people of Israel. Sadly, they were unable to fulfill their responsibility and ended up with indemnity remaining to be paid. God therefore had to select a country where His only begotten Daughter could be born.

For 2,000 years, God has protected and blessed the Korean people. The Korean people have always disliked war and revered Heaven above all else. Korea is also known as a nation where people respect their parents and their ancestors. Even today, families of three generations live together harmoniously.

In 1945, our country was liberated. Yet in 1950 Korea was embroiled in civil war. Through the Korean people and on the Christian foundation, God’s only begotten Daughter was born in 1943.

How did 16 UN member states step up to help a tiny country the world was unaware of and protect democracy in that country? Clearly, this was not based on human power, but rather the result of God’s protection.

Our Creator created the heavens and the earth and created our first ancestors, giving human beings a period in their lives during which they were to grow. Heavenly Parent’s desire was to see people grow beautifully and healthily to perfect their characters and to attain the position wherein He could fully bless them and live with them on earth.

The time to realize His dream finally arrived after 6,000 years. A daughter was born to God, his only begotten child. She met the Lord and Messiah who had promised to return, and together, they emerged as the True Parents.

In Jesus’ time, 2,000 years ago, the Jewish leadership and people of Israel were unable to lay a foundation for Jesus, and he was ultimately crucified. What kind of indemnity befell the nation of Israel, who were unable to accomplish their responsibility? We all know about this. Now it is the Korean people that have this responsibility. Heaven wishes to embrace the world through this nation.

One example showing this is that 100 years ago, when Korea was suffering the most, the Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore wrote of Korea [in “The Lamp of the East”], saying that the day that lamp was once again lit, it would be for the illumination of the East. What does the lamp mean? It symbolizes truth. It is the truth that lights up the darkness. It is the true Word. The Korean people were united by this truth.

In Osaka in 2019, notably, I announced the launch of the Pacific Peace Union. After that, many countries participated in this initiative. Notably, Prime Minister Samdech Hun Sen of Cambodia is actively participating, and this time, thanks to such support, the signboard of the historic [Think Tank 2022] Asia-Pacific Secretariat has been put up.

We could not have achieved this with human effort alone. This is the work of God. As we near the final completion of God’s providence, we are at the point where True Parents have expanded their sphere of influence on Earth and are opening the kingdom of heaven on earth directly while attending our Heavenly Parent. Having said that, I would like to say that all the Asian nations participating in this time are wonderful, righteous people that Heaven has prepared over a long period of time to help with the completion of the providence of this age.

The True Parents, as well as our Family Federation, lacked the support of the Christian sphere. Nevertheless, as the True Parents, we did our best. In the last six decades, through the True Family Movement, we have blessed many couples in some 190 countries. As the True Parents, it would take us a long time to accomplish this individually. However, when those who have received the Blessing from True Parents fulfill their responsibilities and missions all over the world, unpredictable and miraculous things happen.

Unfortunately, politics in this nation does not yet reflect Heavenly Parent’s will.

In the name of the True Mother, the only begotten Daughter, I restored 7 nations, and on that foundation 7 religious orders, then restored a continent within a seven-year period beginning in 2013. It was from this position that I finally proclaimed the firm establishment of Cheon Il Guk. Cheon Il Guk is the nation where all people of Heaven and Earth live as one family, the nation for which Heaven and all people have so longed.

Unthinkable natural disasters and catastrophes are gripping the world today. These natural cataclysms caused by human ignorance are leading to the loss of many lives throughout the world. Moreover, the Corona pandemic has been disrupting the harmony of the world for more than a year.

True Parents’ 60-year course began in Korea and spread to the United States. The United States, notably, is the country that Heaven blessed over a period of 400 years in order to prepare the environment for the Messiah at his Second Coming. However, the United States, which has not been certain about God’s providence, also caused many problems.

Because we were the True Parents, and because we knew God wanted to establish America and embrace the world through her, we invested constant effort over 40 years in the United States. And as a nation Heaven had blessed, the United States has continued to be blessed as the eldest-son nation that can fulfill its responsibility in front of the Heavenly Parent.

Now, the unification of the Korean Peninsula will be achieved. The culture of the Heavenly Pacific Civilization, which started on the Korean Peninsula, is actively spreading via the Asian continent all throughout the world. Unlike the era of the Atlantic civilization in the past, righteous people, those in religious circles, and many other good people in the world are participating in the True Love, True Family Movement of interdependence, mutual prosperity and universal values. I once more raise my hopes for this people.

We say that under a lamp there is darkness. Hence, I pray that the politicians of this country will not only look downward, but that they will become politicians who look upward, receive and listen to Heaven’s voice.

This is not a country that should emphasize human-centered thinking. This nation carries the responsibility of becoming a nation that serves God. Therefore, this nation should not simply stop at thinking about it but have all its people become peace associates and true blessed couples who live and serve our Heavenly Parent, and ultimately become a people who fulfill all their duties and responsibilities as devoted children and loyal subjects. On this basis, I believe that the age of the Asia-Pacific civilization will actively spread throughout the world.

We must not forget the efforts God has made. I pray that you will become a family of humankind transcending heaven and earth that lives in service to God with hearts of gratitude in all situations.

Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon is the co-founder of the Universal Peace Federation (UPF). Dr. Moon married the late Rev. Sun Myung Moon in 1960 and together with her husband, has played an instrumental role in founding an array of religious, academic, educational, arts, and peace organizations working in more than 150 nations.



To go to the Dialogue and Alliance: Toward a Unified World of Peace, Part Two, click here.