Dushanbe, Tajikistan - The public organization "Refugees’ Children and Vulnerable Citizens" and UPF hosted a meeting on October 25 during the visit to Dushanbe of Danielle Mane, mother of Karine Mane, a volunteer with the international humanitarian organization "Doctors without Borders" who was killed during the civil war in Tajikistan in 1997.

Karine Mane came to Tajikistan in 1996. After the 1992-97 civil war, 58,000 children became orphans and 26,000 women lost their husbands. Karine Mane helped create the center for educating street children. Mrs. Danielle Mane continued her daughter’s activity by creating in France the organization “Karine Mane Association for Street Children” that supports children in Africa, Brazil, Guatemala, and Tajikistan. Danielle Mane is an Ambassador for Peace.

The participants in the meeting, including representatives from the embassies of France and Tajikistan, visited the Refugees' Children and Vulnerable Citizens building and shops. At the end of the meeting guests enjoyed children’s performance.

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