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At this time when the Japanese people are facing a disaster of monumental proportion, our thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and their families. The destructive path of the tsunami, shown vividly on our television and computer screens, leaves us speechless and deeply saddened.

The worldwide membership and chapters of the Universal Peace Federation wish to express our love, respect, and appreciation for the Japanese people. As we observe them responding to the challenges of safety, shelter, and sustenance, we also see the beauty, discipline, compassion, and resolve of this great people.

The UPF is greatly indebted to the Japanese people for their generous support over so many years to our worldwide mission and programs. Without their service and sacrifice we would not have grown and developed in such a dynamic way.

We urge all of our chapters to join in solidarity and support with UPF Japan and all the Japanese people, and we call on all to offer their support.

All funds raised will be donated through the UN World Food Programme to alleviate urgent humanitarian needs in Japan.

Read the statement from Director Josette Sheeran of the World Food Programme [shown below]

Statement By WFP Executive Director Josette Sheeran On Japanese Earthquake

When nature strikes with such force, the world has to come together. I would like to express my deepest compassion and heartfelt solidarity with the Government and people of Japan in the aftermath of the devastating earthquake and tsunami.

This epic tragedy recalls some of the worst devastations that WFP and Japan have together responded to around the world, and all of us at WFP are impressed by the bravery and dedication of Japan’s emergency response services and the decisive measures the Japanese Government has taken to deal with the damage and save lives.

It is a spirit, a resiliency in the face of challenge, which we have come to know and admire from Japan. Japan is one of the world’s most generous nations and has always stood with WFP when tragedy occurs and, today, WFP stands with Japan.

We are ready to assist in any way Japan may find helpful. Our thoughts and prayers are with the many families affected by this tragedy.

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