Vienna, Austria - UPF-Austria in cooperation with the ensemble Rondo Danube Vienna organized a Russian-Austrian Concert on November 20 featuring works by Russian and Austrian composers, including the "Anna Polka" by Johann Strauss, the "Bumble Bee" by Rimsky-Korsakov, and selections from the "Nutcracker" composed by P.I. Tchaikovsky. There was film music from "Doctor Zhivago" composed by Maurice Jarre, the ballet "Romeo and Juliet" by Sergei Prokofiev, and as a finale the "Blue Danube Waltz." Viennese people really like such a mix of music, which brings a lighter spirit to the dark season of November and its grey weather.



Performers included the Viennese soprano soloist Ingrid Merschl and ballet dancers Maria Peniaz from Russia and Pavel Strasil from the Czech Republic. They were accompanied by Elena Rosanova from Russia on the violin, Irina Nikolayeva on the piano and Michail Babitsch on a cello. Kateryna Pacher entertained the audience with an Ukrainian harp.


This was part of a series of concerts underwritten by the Cultural Department of the City of Vienna.

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