Quatre Bornes, Mauritius - The PATH medical team (Positive Approach to Total Health) offered free medical check ups on April 15 for children and adolescents sponsored by the Women's Federation for World Peace of Mauritius. In addition, they brought posters on nutrition and exhibits of foods and spices that promote good health to display at the hall of the Mauritius Alliance of Women in Quatre Bornes.


The medical team did dental screenings as well as taking blood pressure, giving stress tests, and testing for diabetes. They found that 85 percent of the 103 children and their guardians tested were anemic, and many had dental problems. Referrals for dental care were made to the Candos Hospital dental clinic.

The team advises people on issues of wellness both physical and spiritual. One member, Dr. Pardeep, made the striking comment: "People are spending their health to build their wealth, and later in life they spend their wealth to gain their health."

The Vice President of PATH, Consultant Ashok Kaleechurn, said that PATH was was visiting 200 villages in Mauritius to offer the free health screening.

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