Korea-2020-03-05-Mother of Peace Donates $250,000 USD in the Fight Against COVID-19

Seoul, Korea—The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, co-founded by Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, donated 300 million won ($250,000 USD) to the Korean Red Cross in preventing the spread of the Coronavirus infection (COVID-19) and helping with recovery.

Dr. Moon’s wish for this donation was conveyed through the Family Federation International Headquarters secretary general, Yun Young Ho. “As we face the difficulty of the spread of the COVID-19, it is time for all the Korean people to come together as one to overcome this,” he said. “I hope that this money can help the affected areas and those who are working hard to overcome this crisis.”

Family Federation has temporarily suspended all Sunday Services at church and other church activities in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Instead, they are holding family Hoon Dok Hwe services and are offering special devotion in their families for the worldwide crisis caused by the Coronavirus to be solved as quickly as possible.

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