Following a series of sports tournaments in martial arts, hockey, and football, organizer John Gehring spoke to the International Leadership Seminar (ILC) in Nairobi on the how athletic programs can help promote peace. The ILC presentation on September 1 was part of a special meeting of 160 leaders from Africa, Europe, and the Middle East with the purpose of discussing and outlining paths to promote peace through good governance. Among the conference speakers were Kenya's Prime Minister Raila Odinga, former Prime Minister of Zimbabwe, Bishop Abel Muzorewa, and the founding President of the Seychelles, Sir James Mancham.

The presentation discussed how to take on issues directly tied to peacebuilding through the positive use of sports and character programs for athletes. The talk was especially relevant as the sports programs in Kenya were launched immediately after the civil strife that had resulted in over a thousand deaths. The programs over the following four months have served as a way to reconnect communities and rebuild youths' hope and vision for the future.