Project objectives: "Character Building through Football" will work to improve personal character and international cooperation through four days of football competitions and evening workshops targeting youth of Iraqi, Jordanian, Palestinian, Syrian, and Lebanese origin. Character building will focus on self-esteem, communication skills, positive attitude, perseverance, conflict resolution, and international teamwork.
Project duration: The workshops will be held over the course of five days in July 2010.
Summary of project activities: This project will involve the participation of six teams including Jordanian, two Iraqi, Palestinian, Syrian and Lebanese teams. The teams will compete in tournaments during the daytime and participate in workshops focused on building in the evening at a hotel in Amman.
Project justification: Many displaced Iraqis have been living in and around the city of Amman as refugees since fleeing violence in their country between 2004 and 2008. The Iraqi youth targeted in this project are typically unaccompanied young men, often living in the areas of Abo Alanda, Sahab, and Zarqa in dire circumstances. Jordanian, Palestinian, Syrian, and Lebanese youth from disadvantaged areas will be invited to participate as well, since many of them live in similar socio-economic situations as the Iraqi youth. This project will focus on bringing together youth from different national origins in an effort to facilitate communication, cooperation, and friendship across boundaries.
Proposed budget: Sponsors are being sought to cover key expenses:
- Accommodations, meals, and refreshments for 120 people: $14,286
- Uniforms: $2,250
- Referees: $1,286
- Bus: $643
- Trophy cup and medals: $315
- Water: $143
Implementer: Women's Federation for World Peace, Bayadar, Jordan; established in 1994 registered with the Ministry of Social Development in 1997
Contact: Fusayo Irikura
Tel/Fax 962 6 4646789, 962 6 4923301
Expanding on previous programs: Bringing together youth of various national origins in Jordan; bringing together youth in Gaza and in Israel.