Russia-2017-07-30-‘Three Sisters’ Run Celebrates Friendship Day

The border between Russia, Ukraine and Belarus—To celebrate the UN International Day of Friendship, runners from Ukraine, Belarus and Russia met on the border between their nations.

The international running event called "Three Sisters" was held for the third time from July 28 to 30, 2017. After covering hundreds of kilometers in relay teams, athletes from the three neighboring nations simultaneously finished their runs at the Three Sisters monument.

The idea for the race first appeared in 2015, as a way for athletes to promote peace and friendship between peoples.

This is the second time that the race has been held under the flag of the "Peace Road" project.

This year, Dmitry Samko, the secretary general of UPF-Moscow and the "Peace Road" coordinator, started running in a team from the Friendship of the Peoples Fountain in Moscow. The team took turns running; while one person ran, the others rested in the team car. In two days, Mr. Samko ran about 50 kilometers (more than 31 miles) and finished with the Russian group of runners at the Three Sisters monument, located in the neutral zone between the three countries.

As the runners from Belarus, Ukraine and Russia gathered at the monument, they posed for photographs with the flags of their nations. We can say confidently that such peacemaking projects speak better than words of our natural desire for friendship and good-neighborliness!

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