Italy-2019-12-10-Italians Discuss Ethics and Values in Sport

Monza, Italy—The ethical dimension of sport was discussed at a conference held in northern Italy.

Sport teaches us to respect rules, to work in a team, to train with tenacity in view of a goal. And it is precisely this ethical dimension, the bearer of positive values, that today must be saved at all costs.

This was discussed on December 10, 2019, during the conference "Ethics and Values in Sport," promoted by UPF. The event opened with words of welcome from the sports councilor Andrea Arbizzoni.

The evening, organized by Carlo Chierico, president of UPF-Monza, was moderated together with Fabrizio Annaro, director of Dialogue of Monza, and contained a series of testimonies of the best of sport coming from the Brianza area of northern Italy.

The first topic was the Peace Trophy, the interethnic football tournament that UPF has organized for 14 years. The spirit of the initiative was transmitted through the screening of a short film on the 2019 edition, produced by students of the Institute Superiore Meroni di Lissone under the guidance of Professor Maria Rosaria Marra. The film, which aroused great emotion in those present, was introduced by a discussion of the motivations that led to the establishment of the Peace Trophy by the Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon and his wife, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, co-founders of UPF.

The same spirit is found in Sanrocco UPF, the new interethnic team engaged this year in the CSI (Italian Sports Center) football championship open to teams of seven and composed of young players of different ethnicities of the territory. "The big challenge for us is to keep the world together in a team," stressed William Brioschi, vice president of the historic Sanrocco sports club.

The words of Gaia Dadati, a young player from the Fiammamonza women’s football team, transmitted all the feminine enthusiasm for football, while Sonia Ronconi, technical director of Strong and Free, spoke of the educational value of a sport to which the Brianza area gave great champions.

There were also beautiful stories of Rugby Monza, which launched a new project called Invictus aimed at including people on the margins. This project aims to encourage the inclusion and integration of migrants, explained Stefania Iannizzotto.

"Sport today appears as one of our society's lifesavers," explained Fabrizio Annaro, commenting on the presentation of the various initiatives. "Within a team the differences are canceled out,” Mr. Annaro said. “In fact, it is not even clear which differences there are; they become inconsistent like ghosts.”

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