Lake Seliger, Russia - The annual Seliger International Youth Forum concluded its work in Tver region of Russia on August 2. Thousands of young activists enjoyed the unique opportunity to present their programs, projects, and ideas to all interested parties and even to the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, who came to the Forum specially to meet the best of the best.


In this year's forum Young Ambassadors for Peace became partners in the Youth Creative Assembly project of the International Innovation University. Participants included Dmitry Samko, Secretary General of UPF-Moscow, and Marat Shafigullin, President of the Eurasian Research Institute of World Development. Both were part of the Technology of Goodness shift at the Forum. 

The third annual International Contest of children’s and teenagers’ creative abilities, “In the Name of Peace on the Earth-2012,” started on July 15. Among the jury was the honored artist of Russia and actor from Moscow's Soprichastnost Theater, Ambassador for Peace Vladimir Frolov. He communicated with the participants in the shift, shared about his life and work in the theater, and answered the questions from the audience. He also presented UPF Young Ambassador for Peace certificates to five members of the Youth Creative Assembly who demonstrated their talents in the artistic sphere: poetry, prose, scripts, theater, and painting.

He commented: “Two years ago I became an Ambassador for Peace and feel very honored by this appointment. I am happy to hand certificates to such talented youth. I heard much about the Seliger Forum, and these participants have inspired me greatly by their positive mood and serious understanding of their responsibility as young people. I wish them a bright future.”

Also Young Ambassadors for Peace participated in the grant contest of the National Prospects Foundation. After a series of presentations, the projects, “Play Football for Peace” and “Storeroom of Kindness” won in the Technology of Goodness category. During the shift, Dmitry Samko organized a wonderful football tournament, and Marat Shafigullin launched a number of projects on the part of the Eurasian Research Institute of World Development.

In the city of Seliger, there was much talk about the Young Ambassadors for Peace movement. Participants in the Forum, which has been held annually since 2005, showed interest in the projects of UPF and the Eurasian Institute. The journey to Seliger granted additional support to the movement of Young Ambassadors for Peace, and the recognition they gained will help strengthen connections between youth activists, NGOs, and the official bodies.

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