Vienna, Austria - Dr. Alexander Karakas, co-founder of the Trialog-Institut, organized a workshop and panel discussion under the title "Between Intercultural Dialogue and Integration" at the Campus of the University of Vienna on June 18, 2014. About 40 students, a majority from the Association of Serbian Students in Austria and the Association Azerbaijani Students in Austria, attended the program.
The day concluded with a panel discussion featuring Dr. Alexander Karakas as moderator, Dr. Fuat Sanac (president of the Muslim Faith Community of Austria), Mrs. Brigitte Jank (MP and former president of the Economic Chamber in Austria), Bogdan Pammer (Youth UPF Europe), and the president of the Association Azerbaijani Students in Austria.
Welcoming remarks were given by H.E. Mr. Galib Israfilov (Ambassador of Azerbajan in Vienna) and Mag. Manfred Juraczka (Secretary General of the People's Party in Vienna).
Bogdan Pammer stressed the importance of interfaith education and competencies in today's society, especially for young people, stating that society and public discourse can benefit greatly from religious voices if an interfaith climate is created. This is one challenge Austria is facing in "integrating itself" in a globalized world.