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Youth UPF

Youth Service Project in North Sumatra

Indonesia-2015-03-21-Young Volunteers Clean North Sumatran Tourist Spot

Berastagi, Indonesia—UPF Youth Ambassadors for Peace, together with local student volunteers, spent a day removing graffiti and clearing trash from a popular tourist site in North Sumatra.

When we think of graffiti, we usually think of young people writing names, slogans, etc., on the walls of public places. However, this time young people gathered to remove graffiti from Bukit Gundaling (Gundaling Hill), just a few hours’ drive from Medan, the capital of North Sumatra.

The UPF Youth Ambassadors for Peace were joined by an enthusiastic team of students from the STMIK-STIE Mikroskil, a computer science institute in Medan.

After soliciting funds for the paints and cleaning materials from several educational institutions, the students set out in the early morning of March 21, 2015. Once they reached their destination, everyone got busy cleaning up graffiti, picking up trash and painting the pavilion at the top of the hill. After finishing their work, they relaxed and enjoyed a nearby hot spring. They are happy to think of the people coming to enjoy the beauty and serenity of the surroundings once again.

The volunteers’ heart of joy and spirit of giving are the result of the UPF character education programs conducted in Medan on a regular basis for the last two years. Now, young Indonesians are taking ownership to make their country a model nation of peace and harmonious cooperation between all citizens, irrespective of race, religion or ethnicity.

Join them for the upcoming International Youth Convention in Jakarta from May 12 to 17, 2015, being held under the theme “Young People of Good Character—The Hope of the Nation.”

For more information, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., regional secretary general, UPF-Asia.

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