Peace Tour Builds UPF in Sierra Leone
The UPF Sierra Leone Chapter held a World Peace Tour event to deliver a peace message at the prestigious Roman Catholic Parish Hall in Moyamba. People from all works of life came to attend and listen to reports on the UPF activities worldwide and at the national level and hear the UPF peace message.District UPF President Madam Martha Massallay and the rest of the Ambassadors for Peace in the Moyamba District made great efforts to broadcast the ceremony through local radio. This local radio has wide range of coverage and even people in neighboring countries could hear it.
Two hundred and fifty community leaders attended the ceremony. District Chairman Mr. Woobay was absent but he was represented by his second in command. The Ministry of Social Welfare, Gender and Children's Affairs was represented by Madam Martha Massallay, who is also our district President for UPF. She read the UPF peace message.
A testimony was given by Hon. Jonathan J. Dambo, a Member of Parliament for the district, who also participated in the prayer for blessing of marriage. A eight-minute video was shown to the audience about the UPF activities worldwide. Fifteen new Ambassadors for Peace were appointed.
Mr. Braima F. Vandi, Principal of Fergusson Memorial Secondary School:
“I was surprised to be appointed as Ambassador for Peace. The entire program was unique and will help advance lasting peace in the world. The uniqueness of this organization was the prayer for marriage blessing I and my wife attended. Through this I am reminded to work more for sustainable peace which should start from myself, my family, my neighbors, my country, and the world at large.”
Mrs. Memuna Vandi, former secretary FAWE:
“As Ambassador for Peace, I have decided to dedicate my whole life to peace and carry the peace message to my family, my community, and beyond.”
To read a message delivered during the UPF peace tours click here.
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Democratic Republic of the Congo
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