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Dear valued viewers of UPF.org, we are undergoing a redesign of the website. The E-Newsletter and updates are on hold until further notice. We thank you for your patience during this time.


Russian Peace Road Follows Poet’s Footsteps

A small group of dedicated bicyclists traveled 120 kilometers in the Russian Republic of Tatarstan as a Peace Road event.


UPF-Belarus Hosts River-Rafting as ‘Peace Road’ Event

UPF volunteers went river rafting for four days as a Peace Road event.


UPF-France and WFWP Discuss "UPF's Vision and Principles of Peace"

A diverse group from all over France gathered to study the UPF Principles of Peace.


UPF-UK Event Celebrates ‘One Human Family’

A diverse audience of 150 attended an interfaith service co-sponsored by UPF.


UPF-Estonia Co-Sponsors ‘One Korea’ Event

The fourth One Korea event combined football with a Peace Road walk.




Click here to learn more about the Think Tank 2022 and UPF's effort in the Peaceful Reunification of the Korean Peninsula.

Think Tank 2022


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Peace Tours

Interfaith Cooperation during Peace Tour in Norway

Norway-2009-03-17-Interfaith Cooperation during Peace Tour in Norway

Oslo, Norway - The Global Peace Tour in Norway combined four elements in an ambitious outreach to the opinion leaders in Oslo and across the nation.

The first part was the leadership seminar in the Parliament, organized in cooperation with the adviser on foreign affairs of the Progress Party. The invited speakers included the deputy leader of the Peace Research Institute, Oslo, and President Yong Cheol Song, Chair of UPF in Europe.

The contents of the International Leadership Conference and the subsequent debate were very well received by the group of 30 selected leaders. One stood up and praised the UPF for re-introducing God into the peace process and into the public arena, from where He is normally excluded, despite Norway’s deep religious traditions.

The second part was a meeting between President Song and the Deputy Speaker of the House, Carl I. Hagen. The third element was a dinner followed by an evening interreligious peace event, held in partnership with the Dialogue for Peace foundation. Religious leaders from the major faiths stood side by side on stage to open the evening by giving their prayers and blessings.

President Song delivered the keynote address, and the vision of “One Family under God” was very well received. Afterwards, many of the 200 in attendance reported that the vision of peace came alive, and six new Ambassadors for Peace were appointed.

For the keynote address and more information about the peace tour, click here.
Photos by Ole Toresen

Chapter Reports View All Chapters

UPF-Turkey Program Discusses UPF Vision

Istanbul, Turkey—Mr. Jacques Marion presented the UPF vision and key areas of focus.

UPF-Sweden Program Features UPF's Principles of Peace

Stockholm, Sweden—UPF’s Principles of Peace were at the center of the third Nordic Peace Seminar.

IAYSP-DR Congo Observes UN International Day of Peace

DR Congo—IAYSP-Democratic Republic of Congo observed UN International Day of Peace 2023 and appointed a Youth Ambassador for Peace.