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Dear valued viewers of UPF.org, we are undergoing a redesign of the website. The E-Newsletter and updates are on hold until further notice. We thank you for your patience during this time.


Russian Peace Road Follows Poet’s Footsteps

A small group of dedicated bicyclists traveled 120 kilometers in the Russian Republic of Tatarstan as a Peace Road event.


UPF-Belarus Hosts River-Rafting as ‘Peace Road’ Event

UPF volunteers went river rafting for four days as a Peace Road event.


UPF-France and WFWP Discuss "UPF's Vision and Principles of Peace"

A diverse group from all over France gathered to study the UPF Principles of Peace.


UPF-UK Event Celebrates ‘One Human Family’

A diverse audience of 150 attended an interfaith service co-sponsored by UPF.


UPF-Estonia Co-Sponsors ‘One Korea’ Event

The fourth One Korea event combined football with a Peace Road walk.




Click here to learn more about the Think Tank 2022 and UPF's effort in the Peaceful Reunification of the Korean Peninsula.

Think Tank 2022


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Peace Tours

Peace Tour Inaugurates UPF in Malaysia

Dr. and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon were given a royal traditional Malay welcome with the beating of drums; women dressed in traditional Malay, Chinese and Indian costumes welcomed them with garlands of orchids.

The organizing committee was chaired by Tan Sri Datuk Paduka Dr. Hajjah Saleha Haji Mohamed Ali (fondly called “Nenek,” or grandmother). The Senior Vice-Chairman was Tan Sri Datin Paduka Seri Hjh Zaleha Ismail. They met weekly to plan a memorable event. Dr. Teh Su Thye, Secretary General of UPF-Malaysia, oversaw the preparations, and volunteers from Germany and Japan provided substantial support.

By the time the main program began at 3:00 PM the Plenary Hall of the newly-built Kuala Lumpur Convention Center was filled with 2000 guests eager to hear Father Moon deliver his peace message.

Tan Sri Bernard Dompok, a Minister in the Prime Minster’s department, welcomed Father and Mother Moon on behalf of the Malaysian government, praising their peace initiatives in the Middle East and his vision for a Bering Strait crossing. He described Malaysia as a country with a majority Muslim population with a historic tradition of multi-culturalism, racial harmony and good governance.

A devoted Christian, Tan Sri Bernard Dompok ended his speech by saying “About 2000 years ago, Jesus Christ said: 'Love one another as I have loved you.' He also urges humankind to bring the good news to the poor, to proclaim liberty to captives, and to the blind new sight, to set the downtrodden free. I am sure all the prophets and great leaders throughout history had in one way or another made exhortation for peace. Let us strive for peace. We begin at home, in our family. You and I, each and every one of us have a role to play to ensure a better tomorrow. Shalom and peace be with us all.”

As the organizing chair of the event, Tan Sri Saleha gave the welcoming remarks. She had been scheduled to undergo a major operation one week before the event. However, she postponed the operation in order to attend the inaugural convocation, despite protests by her doctors and family members. She thanked God for giving her eight decades of life during which she had ample opportunities to practice the culture of heart within this country and also in other parts of the world through a network of global relationships. She encouraged everyone present to support the Universal Peace Federation's peace initiatives.

The event included an invitation for couples to join in a world peace blessing toast of marriage rededication.

Father and Mother Moon stayed in the Petronas Twin towers. One of the towers was built by a Korean company and the other by a Japanese company, and Tan Sri Saleha was instrumental in the planning their construction.

To read the inaugural peace message, click here.
To download a report booklet of the UPF Founders' 2005 World Peace Tour, click here.

Chapter Reports View All Chapters

UPF-Turkey Program Discusses UPF Vision

Istanbul, Turkey—Mr. Jacques Marion presented the UPF vision and key areas of focus.

UPF-Sweden Program Features UPF's Principles of Peace

Stockholm, Sweden—UPF’s Principles of Peace were at the center of the third Nordic Peace Seminar.

IAYSP-DR Congo Observes UN International Day of Peace

DR Congo—IAYSP-Democratic Republic of Congo observed UN International Day of Peace 2023 and appointed a Youth Ambassador for Peace.