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Dear valued viewers of UPF.org, we are undergoing a redesign of the website. The E-Newsletter and updates are on hold until further notice. We thank you for your patience during this time.


Russian Peace Road Follows Poet’s Footsteps

A small group of dedicated bicyclists traveled 120 kilometers in the Russian Republic of Tatarstan as a Peace Road event.


UPF-Belarus Hosts River-Rafting as ‘Peace Road’ Event

UPF volunteers went river rafting for four days as a Peace Road event.


UPF-France and WFWP Discuss "UPF's Vision and Principles of Peace"

A diverse group from all over France gathered to study the UPF Principles of Peace.


UPF-UK Event Celebrates ‘One Human Family’

A diverse audience of 150 attended an interfaith service co-sponsored by UPF.


UPF-Estonia Co-Sponsors ‘One Korea’ Event

The fourth One Korea event combined football with a Peace Road walk.




Click here to learn more about the Think Tank 2022 and UPF's effort in the Peaceful Reunification of the Korean Peninsula.

Think Tank 2022


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Peace Tours

UPF-Albania Peace Councils Welcome New UPF Leader

Albania-2021-05-23-Local Peace Councils Welcome New UPF Leader

Tirana, Albania—The new national leader of UPF visited eight Local Peace Councils in the southern part of Albania.

Dr. Eva Çipi, the chair of UPF-Albania, continued her tour of the country to meet all 61 Local Peace Councils, accompanied by UPF-Albania Secretary General Gani Rroshi.

On the weekend of May 22 and 23, 2021, Dr. Çipi and Mr. Rroshi traveled to two regions in the southernmost part of Albania, meeting the Local Peace Council leaders and giving them copies of the UPF Peace Magazine.

On May 22, in the Sarandë region overlooking the beautiful Ionian Sea, the leaders of three Local Peace Councils and several Ambassadors for Peace gathered to welcome Dr. Çipi. Well-known journalist Thoma Nika, the chair of the Sarandë Peace Council, moderated the meeting. The meeting concluded with the awarding of Ambassador for Peace certificates to five people nominated by the three Peace Councils.

After the meeting was over, another strategy meeting took place, at which the leaders of the Sarandë Peace Council decided to pioneer a pilot project to collect a membership fee from all Ambassadors for Peace, with UPF-Albania headquarters preparing photo IDs for each of them. We hope to finalize this project within this year and complete this process for about 200 Ambassadors for Peace from three Local Peace Councils.

On May 23, another meeting took place in the city of Gjirokastër with the leaders of five Local Peace Councils. The meeting was very warm, and everyone felt embraced by the new UPF leadership. A plan to organize a regional conference on the harmony of minorities in the region, possibly to be held in the autumn, was discussed.

One of the Local Peace Council leaders was Imam Hysen Hormova, who is currently the chairman of the Halvety Order in Albania. He attended World Summit 2020 and testified again to the greatness of the UPF founders’ teachings.

The imam said that often he has been criticized for being part of UPF and supporting Dr. Moon. To these criticisms he responded, “I felt God is present with them.” Because Dr. and Mrs. Moon treat all people the same, and because they respect the value of each religion, the imam said he feels at home.

In the coming weeks Dr. Çipi and Mr. Rroshi will continue traveling to meet with the remaining Local Peace Councils and take part in other events.

Chapter Reports View All Chapters

UPF-Turkey Program Discusses UPF Vision

Istanbul, Turkey—Mr. Jacques Marion presented the UPF vision and key areas of focus.

UPF-Sweden Program Features UPF's Principles of Peace

Stockholm, Sweden—UPF’s Principles of Peace were at the center of the third Nordic Peace Seminar.

IAYSP-DR Congo Observes UN International Day of Peace

DR Congo—IAYSP-Democratic Republic of Congo observed UN International Day of Peace 2023 and appointed a Youth Ambassador for Peace.