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Russia-2020-08-01-‘Peace Road’ Marathoners Prepare for 15-Day Run

Moscow, Russia—One day before starting a 1,100-kilometer marathon (close to 700 miles), a group of runners gathered for a kickoff meeting.

The meeting was held on August 1, 2020, at the UPF Peace Embassy in Moscow.

The runners, aged from 9 to 85 years, were preparing to take part in a relay marathon over the next two weeks, from August 2 to 16. It will start in Moscow near the Kremlin and Red Square and pass through about 20 cities before returning to Moscow.

This year’s marathon has been awarded funds from the Russian president’s grant to cover transportation, uniforms, and accommodations. It is being run under the banner of the UPF Peace Road project and will promote a healthy lifestyle.

Dmitry Samko, the secretary general of UPF Moscow, is scheduled to run with the marathoners as the spokesman at public events along the way.