Argentina-2016-03-10-International Women’s Day Observed in Argentina


Buenos Aires, Argentina—Eight distinguished Argentinian women were acknowledged for their accomplishments during a celebration of International Women’s Day(*) on March 10, 2016, co-organized by UPF and Women’s Federation for World Peace (WFWP) in Argentina. The theme for this year’s day was “Planet 50-50 by 2030: Step It Up for Gender Equality.”

Alicia Bosquet, Juana Donadio, Martha Pérez Chávez, María Salomé Figueroa, Laura Andrea Suárez, María Clara Garay, Nancy Falcón, and Elena Santa Cruz were the guests of honor.

Ms. Elizabeth Giuliano, a youth member of WFWP-Argentina, was the emcee. Greetings and messages that had been sent by different organizations and individuals were read at the celebration. Among those who wrote a message was Prof. Ernesto Kahan, an Argentinian doctor living in Israel, who is a well-known writer and was a member of the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW) delegation that received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1985.

WFWP-Argentina President Rosetta Conti de Castellón read an excerpt from “World Peace and the Role of Women,” a speech by Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, co-founder of both UPF and WFWP. Poet Donato Perrone read UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s message for the day and Pastor Alba Rosa Contardo of UPF-Argentina’s Peace Council read the poem, “Women for Peace.” Musical performances were offered by Gabriela Pozzi, Belén de la Madrid and Martín Balbi Narvaez, which entertained the guests. UPF-Argentina Secretary General Miguel Werner spoke during the toast at the end of the event.

Alicia Bosquet was acknowledged “for being an excellent wife, daughter-in-law, mother and grandmother; and for her constant solidarity and her commitment to the neighborhood, always considering the needs of the community, [and contributing toward creating an environment] of more cooperation and mutual help.”

Juana Donadio was recognized “for her long career in the solidary and cultural spheres in San Clemente del Tuyú and the district of La Costa, where she supports and collaborates with different entities and provides her valuable experience and human warmth, promoting values of cooperation and peace.”

Martha Pérez Chávez “for her volunteer work and collaboration with different organizations, [in the areas of] solidary, literacy, environment and health, and for her valuable work as coordinator of integration and support workshops, and her commitment to the elderly and people with disabilities.”

María Salomé Figueroa, “for her 25-year career delivering the ‘Crystal Rose’ Prize, which seeks to honor people who change history every day and who stand out in different areas. For her silent work and big heart to uplift the forgotten.”

Laura Andrea Suárez, “for her valuable work as a teacher to children, adolescents and people with genetic, neurologic, psychiatric and emotional disorders. For her voluntary work and her commitment to solidary projects, and the promotion of good environmental practices. A mother of a large family, she has much love to give.”

María Clara Garay is a “wife, mother, grandmother and nurse who volunteered in different provinces, with happiness and love. For providing her knowledge to and helping hospitals, soup kitchens, poor neighborhoods, public spaces, schools and senior citizen centers.”

Nancy Falcón, “for her dedication and commitment to intercultural and interfaith dialogue as executive director of the Intercultural Dialogue Center Alba and coordinator of the Bridge Builders’ program for young people. For promoting the spiritual values for coexistence and peace.”

Elena Santa Cruz “for her hard work [volunteering] in houses, hospitals, prisons, and centers of attention, since 1976. For promoting health and values as a teacher, catechist, puppeteer, lecturer, and writer.”


Mujeres para la paz (“Women for Peace”) poem:

Cada mujer, es un espacio nuevo, 
es como la lluvia o como el mar
su torrente sanguíneo, tiene fuego,
y sale a vencer la tempestad.

Sus manos, son alas creadoras,
y cada desafío, es avanzar,
logrando sus victorias, accionando
y quiere cada día, un poco mas.

Mujeres de temple y rompimiento
las viejas estructuras, no van mas,
es tiempo de las uvas madurando,
y también del renuevo, en su mirar.

Ha llegado la hora esperada,
mujeres marchando en son de paz,
preparadas, moldeadas por la vida,
viviendo cada día, un despertar.

Mujeres soñadoras y valientes,
cada una, ocupando su lugar,
dejando la soberbia, el egoísmo,
y solo conjugar, el verbo amar.

Entonces, llegará, la primavera,
podremos cada meta alcanzar,
iremos por el mundo, pregonando,
no queremos la guerra, si la paz.

Dejando la rutina agotadora,
la queja, los temores, la ansiedad,
la angustia, el rencor, y tantas cosas,
que sólo nos traen sequedad.

Vivamos el presente, en victoria,
el amor, todo lo puede, es verdad,
derramemos amor en nuestra vida,
así, todo en el mundo, cambiará.

Despiertas, buscando la salida,
cantando por el mundo, nos verán,
la paz llegará a los corazones,
es ahora, aquí, no esperen mas.

Si aprendemos a vivir en el presente
una luz, desde el cielo, llegará
alumbrando el camino a la conquista,
y diremos a las guerras, nunca mas.

Mujeres, cada día, es nuestro día
pero es bueno, unidas, celebrar,
unidas a mujeres de otras tierras,
y el sol de la esperanza, brillará.

~ Pastor Alba Rosa Contardo

“I remain outraged by the denial of rights to women and girls – but I take heart from the people everywhere who act on the secure knowledge that women’s empowerment leads to society’s advancement. Let us devote solid funding, courageous advocacy and unbending political will to achieving gender equality around the world. There is no greater investment in our common future of love.”


Excerpt from UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s message for International Women’s Day 2016

“Participation by women is needed in all aspects of society, from diplomacy and politics to the economy and legal system reform. Women also need to be active in education and culture, in sports and the arts, not to mention the diverse activities of NGOs. However, I want to emphasize that before all these things, the highest priority for our activity needs to be education of our society in a righteous value system, and the True Love and True Family movement. We need to encourage and foster the practice of living for the sake of others.”

Excerpt from “World Peace and the Role of Women,” by Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, co-founder of WFWP and UPF, April 10, 2002, Seoul, Korea



(*) The idea of establishing the International Women’s Day dates back to the early 1900’s, a time of expansion and tumult in the industrialized world. During International Women’s Year in 1975, the UN established March 8 as International Women’s Day.


Supporters of the event: 

Permanent Forum on Education, Science and Culture for Peace (FOPAZ Association)
Merchant Marine University (UdeMM)
Higher Institute of Religious Studies (ISER)
Institute of Democracy and Elections (IDEMOE)
Teachers Without Borders
Human Neurocapital Portal
University Residence of General San Martín
Plastic Arts Museum of General San Martín
San Martín Association of General San Martín