European UPF Chapters Host Multicultural Christmas Concerts

December 24, 2010

At the close of the UN International Year for the Rapprochement of Cultures, several European UPF chapters celebrated the Christmas season by hosting multicultural events featuring music, art and food from around the world. See reports from Vienna, Austria; Berlin, Frankfurt, and Stuttgart, Germany; and Madrid, Spain.


Brazilian Singer Gives Christmas Concert in Vienna

December 19, 2010

Vienna, Austria - UPF-Austria hosted an international Christmas party on December 19 featuring Brazilian singer Denise de Macedo. She sang Christmas songs from South and North America and Russia as well as Germany. Peter Haider and Dr. Leo Gabriel reported about the local and international activities of UPF throughout the year. After presentation of Ambassador for Peace certificates, a buffet of Christmas specialties was served.


Consultation in Vienna on a Proposed Interreligious Council at the UN

December 9, 2010

Vienna, Austria - A conference on Interfaith, the United Nations and Peace in the 21st Century took place on Dec. 8, 2010, in Vienna with a selected group of 50 participants.


Interfaith Council Consultation Planned in Vienna

December 1, 2010

Vienna, Austria - UPF-Austria is hosting a special consultation in Vienna on the proposal for an interreligious council at the UN in the afternoon of December 8.


L. Gabriel: The Key to Unity of Religions Is Diversity

November 30, 2010

An interreligious council at the UN should recognize the diversity of currents not only among the different religious institutions but also within these institutions. Representation should center on the diversity of people. The decision-making process should reflect the wisdom of indigenous peoples, for whom consensus is more important than majority rule.


Russia-Austria Concert in Vienna

November 14, 2010

Vienna, Austria - UPF-Austria organized a Russia-Austria Concert on November 14 in Vienna featuring works by Russian composer Tchaikovsky and Austrian composer Johann Strauss as well as a tribute to the Russian writer Leo Tolstoy 100 years after his death, November 20, 1910.


Trinidadian Culture Showcased by UPF in Vienna

November 5, 2010

Vienna, Austria - The whole room was nicely decorated with balloons in the national colors of Trinidad and Tobago: red, black and white. Mrs. Zena Eggough, Vice President of UPF-Austria and an Ambassador for Peace, was welcomed as a special guest and introduced the country of her origin to an audience of 70 people, guests and members of the Universal Peace Federation in Vienna on November 5.


Solstice Conference in Austria Marks UN Year of the Rapprochement of Cultures

June 19, 2010

Seebenstein, Austria - Responding to the announcement of the UN which declared 2010 as the “Year of the Rapprochement of Cultures,” UPF-Austria invited experts to speak on a variety of topics representing different cultures of the world.


A Musical Celebration of Africa Day in Vienna

June 10, 2010

Vienna, Austria - At an Africa Day celebration on June 10, four Africans living in Austria spoke on the theme of the Rapprochement of Cultures between Europe and Africa. This was followed by a concert by Barbara Alli and Afrococo, singing songs by Zeka Kangela from the Democratic Republic of the Congo.


Honoring a Legacy of Peace in Vienna

June 6, 2010

Vienna, Austria - A Memorial Festival of Ascension and Unity was held in Vienna on June 6 at the Headquarters of the Unification Movement of Austria. The photographs of the people who were honored were arranged beautifully on the decorated stage. They included four statesmen representing the international community.


Day of Families Celebrated in Vienna

May 16, 2010

Vienna, Austria - On the occasion of the International Day of Families, UPF-Austria in cooperation with the Viennese Family Federation held a conference on May 15 on the topic: “The Impact of Migration on Families around the World.” Various speakers, experts on the topic, as well as couples with intercultural marriage experience, gave presentations, followed by round-table discussions.


World Peace Blessing Celebrated in Vienna

February 21, 2010

Vienna, Austria - A World Peace Blessing Ceremony was held February 21 at the Radisson Hotel in Vienna, with prayers of marriage consecration offered from various traditions.


International Christmas Celebration in Vienna

December 20, 2009

Vienna, Austria - The UPF community of Vienna celebrated “International Christmas – A Festival for Peace” with music from Austria, Russia, Africa, and the United States.


Austrian-Slovakian Friendship Gathering and Concert

November 15, 2009

Vienna, Austria - UPF-Austria in cooperation with UPF-Slovakia organized a meeting of Ambassadors for Peace and guests from Slovakia and Austria on November 15 that commemorated the fall of the Iron Curtain 20 years ago that separated East and West Europe.


Vienna Forum Reviews 20 Years Since the Fall of the Iron Curtain

June 20, 2009

Seebenstein, Austria - For the last several years UPF-Austria has made it a tradition to organize a small Peace Festival at the time of the summer solstice. This year it was combined with a June 20 conference on “20 Years Since the Fall of the Iron Curtain.”


Day of Families Celebrated in Vienna

May 17, 2009

Vienna, Austria - A lecture and round-table discussion were organized by UPF in Vienna on May 15. As an introduction the message of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon was read by the MC, Mag. Elisabeth Cook.


Conference at UN Headquarters in Vienna Draws Attention to the Year of Reconciliation

April 9, 2009

Vienna, Austria - Civil society leaders and diplomats gathered in the United Nations Headquarters in Vienna April 9, 2009, for a conference on reconciliation.


Congratulatory Messages on Reconciliation Conference

April 8, 2009

Congratulatory messages on UPF's April 8 conference on reconciliation were received from the Prime Minister of Austria, Cardinal Christoph Schönborn, and the Governor of the County of Styria.



Day of Peace in Vienna

September 21, 2008

Vienna, Austria - A variety of religious and cultural traditions gave a global atmosphere to the Day of Peace.


P. Zoehrer: The Role of Religion in Protecting Human Rights and Dignity

September 2, 2008

As H.E. Ambassador Makarim Wibisono has correctly stated: "The Universal Declaration of Human Rights has largely been drafted by experts of religion." Religion has always played a central role in the protection of human rights and especially in the promotion of human dignity.