Willem A. KoetsierArgonautenstraat 1hs
Nord Holland
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Chapter Secretary General
Global Peace Council Member
European Conference Considers Issues of Ireland and Middle East
December 13, 2010
Bergen aan Zee, Netherlands - "States operate not under ethical considerations, but by what they feel benefits their own situation," asserted a former Dutch prime minister at a European Leadership Conference in the Netherlands Dec. 10-12, 2010.
Week of Peace in the Netherlands
September 21, 2010
Utrecht, Netherlands - During the week leading up to September 21, UPF-Netherlands hosted a conference on development aid and supported projects of Ambassadors for Peace.
Ahmad Shah Massoud Commemoration in Netherlands
September 19, 2010
Nagele, Netherlands - After being ravaged by the Soviet Union for ten years until 1989, and then by the Taliban for four years until they were ousted by the Northern Alliance with US help, Afghanistan is in danger of descending into government by barbarism for a third time. This was the stark message Amrullah Saleh, former head of Afghanistan's Intelligence Service, delivered from Kabul by phone to those gathered at the ninth Commemoration of Ahmad Shah Massoud on September 19 in the Netherlands.
Utrecht Conference on Development Aid
September 19, 2010
Utrecht, Netherlands - Character development and community partnerships should be key factors in development aid, according to a Ghanaian NGO leader addressing a UPF-Netherlands conference on September 19 in Utrecht. A professor at the Maastricht School of Management cited statistics about aid and concerns of donor nations.
Little Angels Perform in Netherlands on Anniversary of Incheon Battle
September 16, 2010
The Hague, Netherlands - As part of a worldwide tour to thank the 16 countries who sent soldiers to defend the Republic of Korea when it was invaded by the north in 1950, the Children's Folk Ballet of Korea, the Little Angels, gave a performance in The Hague on September 15. It was the 60th anniversary of the Battle of Incheon, which reversed the course of the war.
UPF-Netherlands Proposes an Interreligious Center in NY
September 11, 2010
Amsterdam, Netherlands - At a meeting on Sept. 11, 2010, UPF-Netherlands proposed that there be an interreligious centre at or as near as possible to 9/11 Ground Zero, New York.
Experiences of Muslim Ambassadors for Peace at the July 24 Assembly in New York
August 16, 2010
Amsterdam, Netherlands - Two UPF-Netherlands Muslim Ambassadors for Peace, Sufi Imam Dr. Hashim Jansen and Sheik August A. Abdul Santoe, European Coordinator of the Ahmadiyya Lahore Movement, were among those attending UPF's World Assembly on July 24 in New York.
Little Angels Korean Folk Ballet to perform in The Hague
August 11, 2010
The Hague, Netherlands - The world-famous Children's Folk Ballet of Korea, The Little Angels, will perform in the Netherlands on Wednesday, September 15, starting 19.30, at the Lucent Danstheater in The Hague.
Honoring a Legacy of Peace in The Hague
June 8, 2010
The Hague, Netherlands - UPF-Netherlands held an event to "Honor a Legacy of Peace: Memorial Festival of Ascension and Unity" at the Cross Point Church in The Hague on June 7.
Africa Day in Amsterdam Builds Bonds with Ghana
May 28, 2010
Amsterdam, Netherlands - An Africa Day evening on May 28 featured African cuisine and stories about building relationships among European and African youth through Partnership Ghana and Youth Service Initiative.
Day of Families Celebrated in The Hague
May 15, 2010
The Hague, Netherlands - UPF Netherlands supported the International Day of Families with an event at The Hague on May 15. The emcee, Sadikoen Wirjoredjo, typified the multinational heritage of many Dutch people: he is Dutch, with ancestry from Indonesia via Suriname, and his wife is German.
Dutch Ambassador for Peace Organizes a 'Jerichon'
May 1, 2010
Amsterdam, Netherlands - Dutch Ambassador for Peace Rob Schrama is inviting people from around the world to join in a June 20 walk/run from Jericho to Jerusalem as a challenging journey of reconciliation and forgiveness. The event is modeled on the traditional marathon but involves a vertical climb of 1,600 meters.
European Conference Addresses Prospects for Middle East Peace
April 11, 2010
Bergen aan Zee, Netherlands - During a European Leadership Conference in Glory House, North Holland, April 9 to 11, four UPF-Netherlands Ambassadors for Peace considered the prospects for peace in the Middle East and Afghanistan.
Dutch Women Come Together in a Bridge of Peace
March 6, 2010
The Hague, Netherlands - A "Bridge of Peace" ceremony on March 6, 2010, brought together women from the diverse cultures and religions of The Netherlands in support of the International Women's Day and to celebrate the International Year for the Rapprochement of Cultures.
Key Factors for Achieving MDGs in Vietnam
February 6, 2010
Alphen aan den Rijn, Netherlands - What will help Vietnam reach its Millennium Development Goals and how will this impact human rights? This was the theme of a February 6 conference sponsored by the Foundation for the Development of Vietnam and UPF-Netherlands.
European Leadership Conference, December 2009
December 13, 2009
Bergen aan Zee, Netherlands - Glory House and our Dutch UPF staff were very welcoming to the 50 Ambassadors for Peace and staff from the UK, Germany, Switzerland, Malta, Norway, Denmark, Bosnia, Greece, and the Netherlands who attended the December European Leadership Conference.
Stories of Peacebuilding Told at European Conference
December 13, 2009
Bergen aan Zee, Netherlands - The story of a man from Malta who died in the Netherlands while negotiating in the aftermath of a terrorist attack was one highlight of the last European Leadership Conference of 2009. It took place at UPF-Netherlands’ Glory House conference center.
Forum on the Role of Human Rights in Promoting Peace
November 26, 2009
Amsterdam, Netherlands - We need to see, respect, and relate to people first of all as individuals, not as persons of a particular race, religion, culture, social standing, or any other group, according to human rights educator Dr. Eva Latham.
World Peace Blessing Celebrated in the Netherlands
October 25, 2009
Bergen aan Zee, The Netherlands - On Oct. 25 2009, the World Peace Blessing was celebrated at the UPF conference center, Huize Glory.
Day of Peace in The Hague, Netherlands
October 15, 2009
The Hague, Netherlands - On September 21, UPF-Netherlands participated in a Suikerfeest.