European Leaders Explore Hopes for Peace

September 20, 2009

Bergen aan Zee, Netherlands - On the weekend of September 18-20, UPF-Europe held a UPF European Leadership Conference on the theme of "Innovative Approaches to World Peace in the 21st Century" in the UPF Conference center, Huize Glory, in North Holland.


RYS and Local Children Stitch Tablecloth for Feeding Homeless in the Netherlands

July 5, 2009

Netherlands RYS volunteers partnered with Thuis Op Straat (TOS), a local organization which offers afterschool programs for children. Participants set up a tent and some tables in a playground where they assisted the children in decorating pieces of cloth. The patches were sewn together into a beautiful cloth which was then given as a gift to the Stichting Marme, where it would serve as a tablecloth when regularly feeding the homeless.


Day of Families Celebrated in The Hague

May 15, 2009

Den Haag, The Netherlands – The International Day of Families was celebrated in the Christus Triumfatorkerk in Den Haag on May 15. The program included a video on the Millennium Development Goals and the Role of Women and several speakers.


Peace Tour in the Netherlands Builds Unity of Heart

March 15, 2009

Den Haag, the Netherlands - The Universal Peace Federation held a conference culminating a week's activity under the banner of Global Peace Tour 2009.  


European Leadership Conference Considers Security Issues

December 14, 2008

Bergen aan Zee, The Netherlands - The December UPF European Leadership Conference in The Netherlands featured speakers associated with the Netherlands Institute for International Relations Clingendael speaking on security concerns within Europe and beyond.


Meeting in The Hague to Support Peace Festival in London

November 23, 2008

The Hague, Netherlands - On November 22, a peace festival was held in London, and simultaneous meetings were organized throughout the continent, including in The Hague.


Day of Peace in the Netherlands

September 21, 2008

The Netherlands - The International Day of Peace was observed at several events throughout the Netherlands.


Afghanis and UPF-Netherlands Honor Massoud, Afghan National Hero

September 14, 2008

“Some people think of Afghanistan as being occupied by Western soldiers, but those boys are giving their lives for Afghanistan; a boy from America, Holland, France giving his life, we always admire him. Massoud could not be successful without the help of other Afghanis and the world, but he was abandoned. I wish he could be alive today, to see the world is now helping Afghanistan.”


Book Review: War Child, by Bruce Cerew

August 27, 2008

The Netherlands - What’s in a book? Is it a laugh, a thrill, a feeling, a thought, a tragedy, a jolt, a profound communication, reality? You’ll find all of that and more in the new, quick selling War Child, a Memoir, by Bruce Cerew.


Religious Youth Service Honors the Religious Mosaic of the Netherlands

July 17, 2008

Utrecht, Netherlands - An intercultural youth project brought national and international participants to a Moroccan and Turkish immigrant section of Utrecht to help promote integration of immigrants into the Dutch culture July 7-17, 2008.


Sharing the Blessing of Peace

July 6, 2008

UPF-Netherlands held a Peace Festival in Huize Glory, Bergen aan Zee on July 6 featuring guest speaker Rev. Euft F. Verbaas from Almere.


Your Concern Is Our Concern

April 11, 2008

UPF-NL hosted a talk by Sentinelzorg director Henna Linger on the theme "Uw zorg, wordt onze zorg" ("Your concern is our concern"). Wim Koetsier commented, "If you help others you make a connection, then people will respect each other more because they know each other personally. We are not created to love alone."


Melting Hearts at European Leadership Conferences

April 2, 2008

European Leadership Conferences, subtitled "Leadership and Good Governance - Innovative Approaches to World Peace," are held most months, to give a substantial introduction to the principles and activities of UPF.


European Leadership Conference in Netherlands Addresses Conditions for Peace

March 8, 2008

Bergen aan Zee, The Netherlands - A conference on the importance of Security and Development and Economy as Conditions for Peace took place on March 8, 2008 at Huize Glory, Bergen aan Zee, North Holland.


European Leadership Conference in Netherlands Focuses on Europe and Islam

January 20, 2008

The complex interactions between Europe and Islam sparked vigorous discussion during a UPF-Europe conference on leadership and good governance Jan. 18-20, 2008, in Bergen aan Zee, Netherlands.


Conference in Netherlands Explores the Many Flavors of a European Union

December 16, 2007

One day after the signing of a proposed new European Union treaty, Ambassadors for Peace addressed a UPF-Europe conference on leadership and good governance in Bergen aan Zee Dec. 14-16, 2007. 


Religious Youth Service Bridges Faiths in the Netherlands

August 6, 2007

Utrecht, The Netherlands - Young people from different cultures and faiths joined in Utrecht, The Netherlands, for an interfaith service project July 28-Aug 6, 2007 to create peace mosaics at a playground and at a center for handicapped people.


RYS Creates Peace Mosaics in the Netherlands

July 28, 2007

Utrecht, The Netherlands – 20 young people from different cultures and faiths gathered for a 10-day project to create a peace mosaic at a playground in Kanaleneiland, a neighborhood with a bad reputation in Utrecht, and also at De Paraplu, a center for handicapped people.


Peace Rallies Held throughout the Netherlands

November 1, 2006

On November 1, All Saints Day, 16 venues in the Kingdom of the Netherlands were scheduled to be visited by 16 saints of the new era, American Ambassadors for Peace delivering UPF's peace message.


Peace Rally Held in the Netherlands

July 14, 2006

The Netherlands - On July 14, UPF-Netherlands hosted an Interreligious Rally for Family Values and World Peace in the Kurhaus Hotel, The Hague. Although Mrs. Hak Ja Han Moon did not deliver the UPF peace message as scheduled, because of difficulties gaining entry into the country, Ambassadors for Peace pulled together to create a dynamic program.