Mr. Leo Angelo T. Halog, President32 Samar Ave.
South Triangle
Quezon City
8924-1833 / 8928-8891
Mindanao is often in the news as a place of tension and conflict, and as a place where religious differences between Muslims and Christians as well as ethnic differences contribute to the tensions.
Sultan Kudarat, Philippines - A province of Mindanao with a Muslim governor of a majority Christian population, Sultan Kudarat is known for its commitment to serving the needs of its people.
Violence can be defined as the deprivation of inalienable rights that define one's humanity. As a function of its impact on individuals and societies, violence can also be defined as inaction or silence. I would submit that violence is a counter value that must be addressed by bringing to bear the values we hold dear.
Cagayan de Oro, Philippines - In commemoration of World Interfaith Harmony Week, UPF-Mindanao organized a one-day seminar on February 11 for Ambassadors for Peace with the theme: “Love of God and Love of the Neighbor/Love of the Good and Love of the Neighbor".
Sultan Kudarat, Philippines - UPF-Philippines together with the Provincial Government of Sultan Kudarat on the island of Mindanao in the southern Philippines led by the Governor of the province, Hon. Datu Suharto T. Mangudadatu, Al Haj, celebrated the UN World Interfaith Harmony Week on February 6 with a flag raising ceremony at the Sultan Kudarat Gymnasium and Cultural Center.
Cagayan de Oro, Philippines - UPF-Mindanao supported the worldwide observance of the International Day of Families on May 15 by celebrating with a special family gathering at Barangay Nazareth Plaza, Cagayan de Oro City.
Many analysts have stated that the international community should come together through the UPF to establish a sustainable spiritual, moral, and economic mechanisms in Mindanao.
Religion is the spiritual power moving into an era of interfaith cooperation and universal peace. Religion is dynamic and active. It is dealing with the living issues of world peace in the realm of quantum physics. Academics talk of action-reaction laws: that for every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction and that the reaction is always greater than the action. Such reaction is very much needed to address the century-long Mindanao conflict in the Philippines.
Tagum, Philippines - The Universal Peace Federation of the Philippines organized an interreligious conference in strife-torn Mindanao January 10-14 to build bridges of understanding among the Christians, Muslims, and indigenous people.
Davao and Cagayan de Oro, Philippines - To commemorate the UN International Day of Peace, UPF-Davao, in collaboration of the Department Education and its NGO partners, organized a Peace Forum at the Philippine College of Technology on September 20. The following day, UPF-Cagayan de Oro City organized a conference on the theme of “Celebrating Diversity of Race, Tradition, and Culture towards Achieving Peace and Development through a Culture of Heart.”
Manila, Philippines - One their visit to the Philippines UPF Chairman Rev. Hyung Jin Moon and his wife Yeon Ah touched the hearts of people with their insights about prayer, meditation, and dimensions of family love.
Cagayan de Oro, Philippines - The Mindanao Peace Symposium was the first time that Pentecostal pastors dealt directly with Muslim leaders on issues of peace, cooperation, and mutual understanding. A coalition of eight sponsors, including government, NGOs, and religious organizations, brought together participants under the banner of “Peace Development through Inter-Religious Cooperation in Mindanao."
As Ambassadors for Peace, we, Christians, Muslims and Lumad in Mindanao, particularly the different tribes, different religious groups and organizations in the Islands, resolve and declare as one body bound together in love and faith our confidence in the unyielding love and quiet power of a Divine God to bring about sustainable peace and prosperity to Mindanao.
Malaybalay, Philippines - In the first tribal summit in Mindanao, which brought together 40 tribal chieftains along with educators, politicians, representatives from international NGOs, and religious practitioners from Christian, Muslim, and indigenous peoples, there was a new focus.
Mindanao, Philippines - The thirty-year-old conflict in Mindanao province in the Philippines has never commanded the world’s attention, despite the massive scale of violence and loss of life. Since 1969, when the fighting between Muslim separatists and the armed forces began under the Marcos regime, the Mindanao conflict has left 160,000 dead and displaced some two million people.
Cagayan de Oro, Philippines - The Mindanao Peace Initiative steering committee representing the diversity of the island's Christian, Muslim, and indigenous population met June 4-6 to share their experiences in resolving conflict and build momentum for peace.
Nabunturan, Compostela Valley, Philippines - A Religious Youth Service project in Compostela Valley Province May 23-26, 2009, included Muslim-Christian dialogue, visits to a mosque and a church, leadership and peacemaking skills training, daily reflections, a cultural program and community outreach.
Mindanao, Philippines - The Universal Peace Federation launched the Mindanao Peace Initiative at a gathering in the Philippine House of Representatives, a rally at the Araneta Coliseum, and in cities across Mindanao.
Quezon City, Philippines -Thousands of peacemakers launched the historic Mindanao Peace Initiative at the Araneta Coliseum in Quezon City near Manila.
We are pleased that the Universal Peace Federation is raising public awareness of the need to promote innovative leadership and governance that are responsive to the pressing and complex concerns of our time.