Moral Values, an Asset in Overcoming Global Crises

July 8, 2009

Geneva, Switzerland - Ethical values are needed to overcome the current global economic crisis as well as to eradicate hunger and promote the real development of all the world's peoples, Pope Benedict XVI said in his new encyclical released July 7. While the Pope was speaking, diplomats and ministers of health from around the world were in Geneva to offer their viewpoints on the global crisis.Can moral values be part of the answer?


Ban Ki-moon Calls for Renewed Multilateralism Based on Universal Principles

July 6, 2009

Geneva, Switzerland - The UN Economic and Social Council High Level Segment that met in Geneva July 6-9, 2009, focused on many health-related issues. 


R. Lumengo: In Public Life as a Man of Faith

June 1, 2009

For most people, social and political action shouldn’t be linked to religion. This seems to be very different in Africa or America, where politicians can freely affirm their religious convictions.


Conference in Geneva on the Contributions of the Family to Peacebuilding and Human Rights

May 15, 2009

Geneva, Switzerland - In the sixth event in an ongoing “Peacebuilding and Human Rights” conference series, the Universal Peace Federation, together with the Geneva Interfaith Intercultural Alliance and the Women’s Federation for World Peace International, sponsored two sessions at the United Nations in Geneva on May 15 to mark the International Day of Families.


Bienvenue a la conférence sur «Alliances Inter-religieuses Interculturelles»

April 3, 2009

Bienvenue au Palais des Nations à Genève pour la conférence sur «Forger des Alliances Inter-religieuses Interculturelles:Action Coordonnée pour Bâtir la Paix et pour les Droits Humains».


Interfaith, Intercultural Alliances at the UN in Geneva

April 3, 2009

Geneva, Switzerland - Youth delegates representing their faiths modeled a “United Nations Interreligious Council” at the United Nations office in Geneva April 3, 2009.


Déclaration de Genève sur la coopération interreligieuse

October 29, 2008

Nous, l’assemblée des dirigeants des religions du monde et des communautés de croyants, unis dans la conviction que la paix mondiale est réalisable, conscients de nos responsabilités envers cet idéal, déclarant solennellement les principes de la charte des Nations unies et de la Déclaration universelle des droits de l’homme


Geneva Interfaith Intercultural Alliance Established

September 3, 2008

The founding document of the Geneva Interfaith Intercultural Alliance on Sept. 2, 2008, describes the organization's vision, mission, projects and leadership.


Landmark Interfaith Conference Goes beyond Tolerance

September 2, 2008

Geneva, Switzerland - A conference on Interfaith Cooperation and the Protection of Human Rights and Dignity Sept. 1-2, 2008 brought together a broad range of leaders to address the contribution of faiths to peace and human dignity, focusing on the potential role of an interfaith advisory council within the United Nations.


J. Singh: On Sikhism - Interfaith Youth Forum in Geneva

September 2, 2008

I am proud to address on behalf of the Sikhs the distinguished religious leaders and guests at this esteemed forum. This is the place which always feels the pulse of the world and is keeping an eye on its developments. It also notices when justice is done or injustice is done, and similarly, when human rights and values are respected or violated.


Noury, Shaban and Mokdad: Islamic Perspectives on Human Rights

September 2, 2008

We young Muslim people stand with you today, in order to improve and strengthen the interreligious cooperation in the world and thus walk together toward peace. 


J. Ohayon: Jewish Perspectives on Human Rights

September 2, 2008

It is easy to love oneself, to be proud of one’s nation, to support one’s people, sometimes blindly. On the other hand, it is much more challenging to respect an individual with another culture and another story. We should start right now knowing each other, listening to each other.


Nachef: On Catholicism - Interfaith Youth Forum in Geneva

September 2, 2008

We are convinced that religion, which is an expression of the relationship between God and human beings, cannot and must not ever fuel conflicts among people. On the contrary, it should be a source of respect and openness to welcome the other person in his or her deepest identity, which is as a worthy, free, and responsible human being.


Geneva Declaration on Interreligious Cooperation

September 1, 2008

Geneva Declaration on Interreligious Cooperation Drafted in the United Nations Office in Geneva, Switzerland, on September 1, 2008.


European Ambassadors for Peace Commit to Collective Action

November 1, 2005

A conference on Nov. 1, 2005 at the Palais des Nations in Geneva was a regional follow-up to the September conference in New York that launched the Universal Peace Federation.