Chapter Secretary General

Mr. Larry Moffitt

Global Peace Council Member

Hon. Matt Salmon
Member (1995-2001), United States House of Representatives

National Peace Council Member

Hon. Earl F. Hilliard
Former Member, Congress of theUnited States of America

National Peace Council Member

Dr. Cheryl Ann Lau
Judge Pro Tempore, Carson City Justice and Municipal Courts

National Peace Council Member

Amb. Sam Hanna Zakhem
Former Ambassador, Embassy of the United States of America to Bahrain

Seminar at the UN on Peace, Security and Human Development

November 20, 2014

UNKoreanAfP-2014-11-20New York, USA - UPF organized a seminar for 30 Korean Ambassadors for Peace visiting the UN on Nov. 20, 2014.


UN NGO Committee on Spirituality, Values and Global Concerns-NY Promotes Human Dignity

November 20, 2014

The NGO Committee on Spirituality, Values and Global Concerns at the UN in New York organized activities promoting human dignity in 2014 contribution to the discussion of post-2015 sustainable development goals.


R. Williams: The U.S. Military Response to Ebola

November 20, 2014

The Cooperative Biological Engagement Program, the U.S. Navy, and the U.S. Army have deployed six mobile labs to Liberia that are currently providing diagnostic capabilities that are so important to containing and reducing the Ebola Virus. These six mobile labs are enhancing the work already being done by three experts at the Liberian Institute for Biomedical Research lab.


Washington DC Forum: The Threat of Ebola

November 19, 2014


Washington DC, USA - The UPF Office of Peace and Security Affairs held a forum on “Understanding the Global Threat of Ebola,” co-partnered with Seraphim Global.


Japanese Tea Ceremony Offered to Diplomats

November 13, 2014

Washington DWashingtonDC-2014-11-13C, USA - More than 40 diplomats, guests and friends of UPF attended a Japanese Tea Ceremony in Washington DC on Nov. 13, 2014.


Forum at the UN on Globalization and Sustainable Development

October 31, 2014

New York, USA - A forum on “Globalization and Sustainable Development: The Role of Government, NGOs and Private Sector” took place Oct. 31, 2014 at the United Nations in New York.


Malaysian Parliamentarians Attend Peacebuilding Conference in Hawaii

October 2, 2014

malaysia-hawaiiKona, Hawaii - Members of the Malaysian parliament and their spouses attended a conference on "Building a Nation and World of Peace" in Kona, Hawaii Sept. 25-Oct. 2, 2014.


International Day of Peace Celebrated in the USA

September 22, 2014

Richmond, Virginia USA - UPF and the Catholic Diocese of Richmond co-sponsored a celebration of the UN International Day of Peace on Sept. 22, 2014 at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Richmond.


R.H. Black: U.S. Must Work with Syria to Defeat ISIS

August 27, 2014

Unless we seize this moment, we risk facilitating the next great clash of civilizations between Islam and the Western world.


D. Burton: Religious Freedom in America and Throughout the World

August 12, 2014

All of us here gathered need to speak loudly to all the leaders, nations and peoples around the world that religious persecution and terrorism must be defeated.


F. Nelson: Address to World Summit 2014

August 12, 2014

David looked at Goliath, and his motive was different from the others who looked at him. They saw a giant too big to hit; David saw a giant too big to miss.


M.W. Jenkins: Address to World Summit 2014

August 12, 2014

the only way to take the terror and the evil and the hatred out of somebody’s heart is to be strong but at the same time liberate your enemy from the evil that’s controlling them by going in and risking your life for their benefit.


M. Balcomb: Address to World Summit 2014

August 11, 2014

I am appealing to all of you to join in bringing about a fundamental spiritual awakening, the revolution from selfishness to unselfishness, from a merely human existence to a divine life lived in the loving presence of the living God.


A. Ward: Address to World Summit 2014

August 10, 2014

Father Moon came to America to awaken this nation to its God-given responsibility for the sake of the world.


L. Beasley: Address to World Summit 2014

August 10, 2014

The Washington Times continues to promote the values and vision of our co-founders: freedom, faith, family and service.


D. Burton: Address to World Summit 2014

August 10, 2014

Tell all of your friends and neighbors and political leaders how important it is for us to carry on the fight against drug trafficking and human trafficking.


UN Panel on Women Making a Difference Globally

July 24, 2014

The empowerment of women was the theme of a panel discussion at the New York headquarters of the United Nations.


Religious Youth Service Project in Washington DC

July 24, 2014

Washington DC, USA - A Religious Youth Service project in the US capital July 21-24, 2014, introduced young leaders to the vision, spiritual heritage and teachings of various religions as the foundation for developing leadership and peacemaking skills. Participants also met with members of Congress and senior leaders of government during the program.


Religious Youth Service Project Held in Washington DC

July 24, 2014

Washington DC, USA - A Religious Youth Service program in the US capital July 21-24, 2014, featured interfaith education, developing personal leadership and peacemaking skills, and planting trees at a Buddhist monastery.


American Leadership Conference Held in Washington DC

July 12, 2014

Washington DC, USA - A conference on the theme “The USA at a Turning Point: Building a Nation and a World of Peace,” at the Washington Times on July 12, 2014, appealed to participants to work together for peace.