Jerusalem, Israel - Representatives of Jewish, Christian, Druze, and Muslim faiths shared stories of peacemaking and hope from Israel and Palestine during the Parliament of the World's Religions in Melbourne, Australia, December 3-9, 2009.
Among the presenters was Sheikh Abdul Aziz Bukhari, a sheikh of the Naqshabandian Religious Method (Sufi). He is a member of Jerusalem Peacemakers and an Ambassador for Peace of the Universal Peace Federation. Head of the Uzbeke Community in Jerusalem and a leading Muslim voice for peace and reconciliation in Jerusalem, he also hosts the Uzbek Cultural Centre of the Holy Land in his home.
The speakers at the Parliament were part of Jerusalem Peacemakers and the Abrahamic Reunion, a network and family of religious leaders, women, and grassroots peacemakers who seek to rebuild trust between Israelis and Palestinians, especially after the recent war in Gaza. These peacemakers in the Holy Land work together to help loosen rigid beliefs, bridge the gulf between peoples, and help people recognize that they are in this together and that polarization and violence do not contribute to lasting peace.
The Israeli, West Bank, and Gaza areas are some of the most volatile in the world. Political conflicts over land and sovereignty have plagued these areas for decades. As the Holy Land for several faiths, there have been disputes over access to sacred sites.
Formed in 2004, Jerusalem Peacemakers seek to contribute to peace, justice, reconciliation, and a decent life for all people in the Holy Land.