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UPF Today
August 2009
Vol 4, Issue 20
Ramadan Greetings
The Universal Peace Federation extends its best wishes to all Ambassadors for Peace of all faiths at the beginning of Ramadan. Now more than ever, the world is in need of the peace that can only come when we all recognize that we are indeed One Family Under God.

As explained by Prophet Mohammed, fasting during the month of Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam, the others including witness to God, prayer, almsgiving and pilgrimage.

UPF has compiled excerpts of speeches and essays reflecting Islamic Perspectives on Peace. Many of these insights were offered by Ambassadors for Peace at leadership conferences around the world. We welcome additional contributions on the topics in this collection. Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Ramadan Greetings / More Information About Ramadan / Prophet Mohammed's Sermon
Funds Sought to Aid Victims of Typhoon Morakot
UPF-Taiwan is seeking donations to provide relief for people devastated by typhoon Morakot which caused the worst flooding in half a century. The number of casualties stands at 136, but is expected to increase.
UN Youth Assembly Promotes Interfaith Cooperation
New York, USA - Young leaders from around the globe spent three days focusing on some of the world's most demanding problems, ranging from world hunger to protecting the environment. About 700 people from 50 countries took part in the sixth Annual Youth Assembly at the United Nations in August. "I think it's our responsibility to empower young people and to show young people that change can happen", said Elaine Valdov, the assembly's secretary general
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Learning about Goal-Setting in Trinidad
Trinidad and Tobago - We offered character education programs to children in the village of El Luengo and young athletes in Port of Spain, the capital. This was the second year that the Universal Peace Federation has sent peer educators from the US to this Caribbean island off the coast of Venezuela.
Pro-Family Leaders Gather for World Congress
Amsterdam, the Netherlands - The fifth World Congress of Families was held in Amsterdam this month. Individuals and organizations from various backgrounds and communities shared the common goal of the World Congress of Families, "to affirm that the natural family is established by the Creator and essential to good society."
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Global Citizen of Peace Video

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Arabic Resources
The UPF Arabic language page is now available!
FREE- UPF Today ( PDF) July Edition in English and Spanish
Free PDF of UPF Today. The newest July edition of UPF Today in Engish and Spanish is now available on our website. Get your free digital copy today!

- Commitment to Peace at the United Nations
- Global Citizens of Peace
- Climbing Everest, One Step at a Time
And much more..

August 2009
Vol 4, Issue 19
Sports, Peace and Family Celebrated in Spain
Seville, Spain - In town for the finals of the fourth Peace Cup, the premier international club soccer competition he launched in Korea six years ago, the UPF Founder Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon took the opportunity to share a vision of peace for Europe and the world at a celebratory program in Seville. In addition to Ambassadors for Peace from throughout Spain, the large crowd included delegates from more than 30 European nations and from as far as the United States, Korea and Japan.
Leadership Conference in Korea: Speaker Videos
Seoul, Korea - Speaker videos from the recent International Leadership Conference held in Seoul, Korea are now available for viewing on our site. Also available are photos for downloading or ordering online.
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Soccer Lifts the Spirits of Iraqis in Jordan
Amman, Jordan - Many of the Iraqi refugees I work with tell stories fleeing repression from the regime in Iraq and the opposition militias. As their period of stay in Jordan has extended beyond five, six, and even seven years, they feel increasingly hopeless and desperate. Most of them have no hope of either being resettled or going back to Iraq and are thus stuck with complicated living arrangements in Jordan. To make matters worse, many are in the country illegally, meaning they cannot get work permits or public education beyond high school.
Seminar on Peace and Leadership in Benin
Cotonou, Benin - Dignitaries from all walks of life and Ambassadors for Peace from West Africa converged in the capital of Benin for an international seminar on peace and leadership. The event was organized by the UPF of West Africa under the patronage of the Constitutional Court of Benin, the Ministry of Family and National Solidarity, and the Ministry in Charge of Relations with Institutions.
Buy the World Summit DVDs

The video sessions from the World Summit on Peace in Korea held in May-June 2009 are now available for purchase.
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Feature Chapter: United States

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UPF Chapters

UPF Introduction Video
Chief Minister of Sikkim, India, Given Award
Gangtok, Sikkim, India - The Universal Peace Federation of India honored Dr. Pawan Chamling, Hon. Chief Minister of Sikkim, with the Leadership and Good Governance Award on July 6. The ceremony took place in the "Chintan Bhawan" Government Hall in Gangtok, the picturesque capital of Sikkim.
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FREE- UPF Today ( PDF) July Edition in English and Spanish
Free PDF of UPF Today. The newest July edition of UPF Today in Engish and Spanish is now available on our website. Get your free digital copy today!

- Commitment to Peace at the United Nations
- Global Citizens of Peace
- Climbing Everest, One Step at a Time
And much more..

UPF.ORG Statistics: Visitors from Over 170 Countries

In June/July, UPF.ORG had visitors from over 170 countries.   Come visit our site and put your own county in the top ten!

1. United States
2. Japan
3. Russia
4. United Kingdom
5. Canada
6. Germany
7. Philippines
8. South Korea
9. Switzerland
10. Brazil
July 2009
Vol 4, Issue 18
European Youth Get a Taste of Israeli and Palestinian Life
Jerusalem, Israel - Twenty-six youth from Austria, England, France, Germany, Italy, Norway, Sweden, America, and Israel gathered in Jerusalem for a taste of Israeli and Palestinian cultures and to learn through experience about transcending barriers of religion, ethnicity, and nationality for the sake of peace. They took part in service projects, dialogues with Israeli and Palestinian youth as well as visiting historic sites.
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Call for Stability and Political Consensus in Nepal
Kathmandu, Nepal - H.E. Dr. Ram Baran Yadav, President of the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal, cut the ribbon to inaugurate the "International Conference for Solidarity with Nepal" organized by the Universal Peace Federation (UPF) and the Parliamentarians' International Forum in Kathmandu July 17-19, 2009.
ECOSOC Presents an X-Ray of a Suffering Humanity
Geneva, Switzerland - Debates marked the end of the 2009 UN Economic and Social Council Annual Ministerial Review in Geneva. The first debate X-rayed the current social situation of the planet, showing the prospects for the future. A special focus of this X-ray was to explore the most vulnerable areas, where the suffering is already strong, or which may start to ache in the near future. "
(R)Evolutionary Aspects of Human Existence
Frankfurt, Germany - Creationists and evolutionists worldwide are engaged in heated debates concerning the correct understanding of human development. Did God create humans? Or are we a product of random mutation and selection?
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Buy the World Summit DVDs

The video sessions from the World Summit on Peace in Korea held in May-June 2009 are now available for purchase.
Free Shipping available for a limited time!
Order your own copy today
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Feature Chapter: Canada

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UPF Chapters

UPF Introduction Video
FREE- UPF Today ( PDF) July Edition in English and Spanish
Free PDF of UPF Today. The newest July edition of UPF Today in Engish and Spanish is now available on our website. Get your free digital copy today!

- Commitment to Peace at the United Nations
- Global Citizens of Peace
- Climbing Everest, One Step at a Time
And much more..

UPF.ORG Statistics: Visitors from Over 170 Countries

In June/July, UPF.ORG had visitors from over 170 countries.   Come visit our site and put your own county in the top ten!

1. United States
2. Japan
3. Russia
4. United Kingdom
5. Canada
6. Germany
7. Philippines
8. South Korea
9. Switzerland
10. Brazil
UPF Today
July 2009 Vol 4, Issue 17
An Interfaith Vision of Peace
Seoul, Korea - As the world moves closer to the 21st century's second decade, the goal of world peace seems as elusive as ever. With significant differences in beliefs and practices, not to mention language and culture, religion can seem to be a force for division, but delegates from 84 nations to the International Leadership Conference resolved to put aside religious differences in search of deeper unity.
No One's Too Young to Be a Peacemaker in Malaysia
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia -  No one's too young to be a peacemaker. Through collecting donations of 10 sen (a Malaysian coin), Malaysian children have proven that! Within two months, a total of RM 143,730.10 (US$ 40,700) was collected by the united effort of about 500,000 children in this southeast Asian nation.
Africa Youth Leaders Peace Summit
Abuja, Nigeria - The Africa Youth Leaders Peace Summit was convened in commemoration of the 2009 African Liberation Day and held at the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) in Abuja, Nigeria, from June 2 to 5 with the theme of the Role of Youth in achieving the Millennium Development Goals & Regional Integration of Africa.
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UPF Chapters

Day of Families Videos

New York Video

Deepak Chopra Speaks at the UN
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20 years Since the Fall of the Iron Curtain
Seebenstein, Austria - For the last several years, UPF-Austria has made it a tradition to organize a small Peace Festival at the time of the summer solstice. This year it was combined with a June 20 conference on "20 Years Since the Fall of the Iron Curtain."
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FREE- UPF Today ( PDF) May Edition in Chinese, Korean and Russian
Free PDF of UPF Today. The newest July edition of UPF Today in Engish and Spanish is now available on our website. Get your free digital copy today!

- Commitment to Peace at the United Nations
- Global Citizens of Peace
- Climbing Everest, One Step at a Time
And much more..

UPF Today
July 2009 Vol 4, Issue 16
Mindanao Peace Initiative Steering Committee Meets
Cagayan de Oro, Philippines - As more and more communities become vulnerable to armed conflict, there was a need for the steering committee of the new Mindanao Peace Initiative and their respective constituents to converge and develop solidarity in their peace efforts. Thus, a Mindanao Peace Initiative Steering Committee Conference was held June 4-6, 2009 at the beautiful and peaceful Ecotourism Village in Cagayan de Oro City.

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Mt. Everest Peace Expedition Reaches Summit
Kathmandu, Nepal - On May 20, three Nepali climbers reached the summit of Mt. Everest and unfurled a banner that read "Mt. Everest Expedition for a New Constitution and World Peace - 2009." People climb Mt. Everest for many reasons, often for adventure or to win glory for themselves. But what about climbing the highest mountain in the world in order to help inspire the world's newest republic as it is writing a national Constitution? 
Read More... | Parliamentarians Support Nepal Peace
Fiji Peace Council Discusses Marriage and Family
Suva, Fiji - Religious leaders of the Fiji Islands, which is a multi-racial and multi-religious society, gathered at the Nasinu Town Council Chamber on June 13, 2009 to discuss the values of "marriage and family." Perspectives were shared on this theme as representatives from each religious organization met to empower themselves as instruments for peace.
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UPF Chapters

Day of Families Videos

New York Video

Deepak Chopra Speaks at the UN
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Wealthy Nations No Shows at UN Financial Meeting
The United Nations General Assembly is meeting in New York to discuss the world financial and economic crisis and its impact on development, especially on the poorest nations of the world. But the wealthiest nations in the world are staying away in droves, leaving the poorer nations to plead their case largely alone.
Peace Forum in the Peruvian Congress
Lima, Peru - During a time of violent clashes over plans to open up Peru's northern Amazon region to development, UPF-Peru held a forum in the Congress on a culture peace. June 2009 has proved to be a difficult month for Peru. Following a long period of disagreement between the Alan Garcia government and the indigenous people in the Amazon forest in the north of Peru, the native residents blocked the main roads in protest against plans to allow oil and logging companies to enter what they consider to be their own land. Unfortunately, the fighting that followed this blockade left 24 policemen and 11 local people dead.

FREE- UPF Today ( PDF) May Edition in Chinese, Korean and Russian
Free PDF of UPF Today. Get your free issue of UPF Today, the latest is in Chinese!

- MDGs and the Role of Women
- Kenya Youth Summit
- Malaysian Children Raise Funds for Children in Gaza
- Former Secretary-General Says UN Must Change
- New Vision Amid Economic Crisis
And much more..

June 2009 Vol 4, Issue 15
Becoming Global Citizens of Peace
Seoul, Korea - Over 3,000 leaders of Korean society and nearly 200 dignitaries from overseas gathered at the COEX center in Seoul to celebrate the successful publication of the surprising new best-seller, Becoming a Global Citizen of Peace, the autobiographical memoir of one of Korea's best-known and most controversial citizens, the Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon. Now in his 90th year, the international religious leader was joined at the event by his wife of 50 years, Hak Ja Han, and several of the couple's 14 children and more than 40 grandchildren
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Canadians Discuss a Role for Religion at the UN
Ottawa, Canada - "What is called for in the 21st century is unprecedented cooperation between religions and cultures," said Dr. Ian Prattis, Professor Emeritus at Carlton University, as he opened a wide-ranging discussion about the Universal Peace Federation's proposal for an interreligious council at the UN. "Let us reach out our hands to people of other traditions and walk through our century hand in hand."
The Feasibility of an Interreligious Council at the UN
There is an enormous deficit within the United Nations in not acknowledging the significant role of religions nationally and internationally. An interreligious council on an international basis can be one of the most effective mediums to promote peace. We will consider issues of admission, representation, and structure.
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UPF Chapters

Day of Families Videos

New York Video

Deepak Chopra Speaks at the UN
Find us on YouTube
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FREE- UPF Today ( PDF) May Edition in Chinese, Korean and Russian
Free PDF of UPF Today. Get your free issue of UPF Today, the latest is in Chinese!

- MDGs and the Role of Women
- Kenya Youth Summit
- Malaysian Children Raise Funds for Children in Gaza
- Former Secretary-General Says UN Must Change
- New Vision Amid Economic Crisis
And much more..

UPF.ORG Statistics: Visitors from 165 Countries

In May, UPF.ORG had visitors from 165 countries.  The top ten is topped by the United States.
First time in the top 10 are Brazil and Iceland! Come visit our site and put your own county in the top ten!

1. United States
2. United Kingdom
3. Japan
4. Russia
5. South Korea
6. Canada
7. Brazil
8. Germany
9. Philippines
10. Iceland
May 2009 Vol 4, Issue 14
Contributions of the Family to Peacebuilding and Human Rights
Geneva, Switzerland - In the sixth event in an ongoing "Peacebuilding and Human Rights" conference series, the Universal Peace Federation, together with the Geneva Interfaith Intercultural Alliance and the Women's Federation for World Peace International, sponsored two sessions at the United Nations in Geneva on May 15 to mark the International Day of Families.
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International Day of Families in Afghanistan
Kabul, Afghanistan - Fifty social and political activists gathered at the Sitara Hotel in the heart of Kabul, Afghanistan to celebrate the International Day of Families. One special aspect of the program was the inter-tribal activities that the ambassadors organized to promote unity among the warring tribes of Afghanistan
International Day of Families in Ukraine
Ukraine - The "Mom, Dad, Me - Sporty Family" all-Ukrainian Festival finals were held May 14 to 17 in the picturesque Crimean peninsula. The activities were organized by the "Sports for All" all-Ukrainian center for the population's physical health and by the Universal Peace Federation under the initiative of the Peace Dream Foundation.
Global Peace Tour in Croatia
Zagreb, Croatia - On May 4th, 2009, UPF Croatia held its first Global Peace Tour event, under the theme: "A new vision of peace for the 21st century". For this special occasion we had as the main speaker Mr. Mark Brann, Secretary General of UPF in Europe, as well as five other speakers from the ranks of our local Ambassadors for Peace.
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United Nations Day of Families Powerpoint

IDF Powerpoint report (9MB) High-res (25MB)
Day of Families Videos

New York Video

Deepak Chopra Speaks at the UN

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In Memoriam: Abdou Daouda
Niamey, Niger - The president of the Niger chapter of the Universal Peace Federation, El Hadj Abdou Daouda died in an accident on May 15, 2009. He was Minister of National Competitiveness and the Fight Against the High Cost of Living.

In addition to playing a key role as Ambassador for Peace in Niger, Minister Daouda attended the launch of the Universal Peace Federation in Nigeria. In 2008, he represented Niger at the 25th Anniversary of The Washington Times and at an International Leadership Conference in Korea.

Minister Daouda was enroute to his home town of Zinder-Gafati to launch the construction of a new road. Prime Minister El Hadj Seyni Oumarou attended the funeral, along with a delegation of National Deputies and a large crowd of people who gathered to pay their respects.
FREE- UPF Today ( PDF) May Edition in Chinese, Korean and Russian
Free PDF of UPF Today. Get your free issue of UPF Today, the latest is in Chinese!

- MDGs and the Role of Women
- Kenya Youth Summit
- Malaysian Children Raise Funds for Children in Gaza
- Former Secretary-General Says UN Must Change
- New Vision Amid Economic Crisis
And much more..

UPF.ORG Statistics: Visitors from 165 Countries

In April, UPF.ORG had visitors from 165 countries.  The top ten is topped by the United States.
Several countries have moved up in the ranks including Russia, the Philippines, and Malaysia. Come visit our site and put your own county in the top ten!

1. United States
2. Japan
3. United Kingdom
4. Russia
5. Canada
6. Philippines
7. Austria
8. Switzerland
9. Germany
10. Malaysia
May 2009 Vol 4, Issue 13
Deepak Chopra Calls for a Personal Commitment to Peace at the United Nations on the International Day of Families
New York, USA - The UPF organized over 55 celebrations of the United Nations Day of Families in more than 22 nations, building on the theme "Creating a World of Peace, One Family at a Time." The final event of the two-week observation took place May 18th at the United Nations Headquarters in New York and marked the conclusion of the UPF Global Peace Tour 2009.
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International Day of Families in Washington, DC
Washington DC, USA - Combine the warm and cozy feeling of a family reunion and the cultural splendor of the beautifully exotic nation of the Kingdom of Bahrain and you will arrive at the unique experience had by all who attended the International Day of Families Celebration, Friday, May 15 at the Bahrain Embassy in Washington, DC.
International Day of Families in Sri Lanka
Colombo, Sri Lanka - In collaboration with the Department of Education of the Western Province of Sri Lanka, UPF-Sri Lanka organized a half-day seminar to mark the UN International Day of Families on May 15 at the main auditorium in Colombo of the Department of Education
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Day of the Families Celebrated throughout Russia
Several events were held in Russia to commemorate the UN International Day of the Families. Locations included Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Rostov-on-Don, Ryazan, St. Petersburg, Tver, Vladivostok, and Yekaterinburg. Events ranged from student lectures, service projects involving orphanages and a fashion show.
Tour Powerpoint Updated

Last updated 05/13/2009
The Tour Powerpoint
Low-Res Version 60MB
Español, Français, العربية

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Asia and Americas
Africa and Eurasia

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UPF Chapters

UPF Introduction Video
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United Nations International Day of Families
The UPF has created a portal page for the United Nations International Day of Families that was held worldwide on May 15th. The UPF held several events around the world to commemorate this day. To find out more on the IDF come visit our page or the UN Official site. See our reports from around the globe.
FREE- UPF Today ( PDF) May Edition in Chinese, Korean and Russian
Free PDF of UPF Today. Get your free issue of UPF Today, the latest is in Chinese!

- MDGs and the Role of Women
- Kenya Youth Summit
- Malaysian Children Raise Funds for Children in Gaza
- Former Secretary-General Says UN Must Change
- New Vision Amid Economic Crisis
And much more..

UPF.ORG Statistics: Visitors from 165 Countries

In April, UPF.ORG had visitors from 165 countries.  The top ten is topped by the United States.
Several countries have moved up in the ranks including Russia, the Philippines, and Malaysia. Come visit our site and put your own county in the top ten!

1. United States
2. Japan
3. United Kingdom
4. Russia
5. Canada
6. Philippines
7. Austria
8. Switzerland
9. Germany
10. Malaysia
Baby Shine
May 2009 Vol 4, Issue 12
Peace Tour Lands in Madrid
Madrid, Spain - The Global Peace Tour 2009 arrived in Madrid for an evening of interreligious dialogue, entertainment, and discussion of ways to strengthen the family and promote an attitude of service to society.  

The event took place in a downtown hotel of Madrid, Hotel Tryp Atocha, and was attended by 200 people representing all walks of life. Most of the guests were long-time friends of our UPF activities, giving the event a kind of family reunion spirit.
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Peace Tour in Bulgaria Advocates Good Leadership
Sofia, Bulgaria - On the second day of the Orthodox Easter, Bulgaria welcomed the Global Peace Tour 2009. The event was hold at the Hotel Central in the very center of the city of Sofia. It was a good opportunity to organize on the same day a half-day conference for educating Ambassadors for Peace. The first session was on the topic "Good governance, good leadership." This issue is especially important for Bulgaria, since the quality of leaders has been a matter of serious discussions during the past two or three years in the country.
International Audience for Andorra Event
Andorra La Vella, Andorra - About a hundred people from throughout Europe, Asia, and South America attended a Peace Tour gathering at the Crown Plaza Hotel in Andorra La Vella. The audience in this small country in the mountains between France and Spain included Christians, Buddhists, and Muslims. There were Catholic priests, NGO leaders, and members of an English-speaking association as well as representatives from the UPF community in nearby Barcelona, Spain.
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United Nations International Day of Families
The UPF has created a portal page for the United Nations International Day of Families being held worldwide on May 15th. The UPF is planning several events around the world to commemorate this day. To find out more on the IDF come visit our page or the UN Official site.
UN International Day of Families: UPF Activities
Geneva Roundtable, May 15
New York Symposium, May 18

Bangladesh, May 15
Canada, May 7, 15
France, May 16
Norway, May 15
Sweden, May 15
Taiwan, May 15-16
Washington DC, May 15

More information here
Tour Powerpoint Updated

Last updated 04/29/2009
The Tour Powerpoint
Low-Res Version 56MB
Español, Français

By Region
Asia and Americas
Africa and Eurasia

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UPF Chapters

UPF Introduction Video
FREE- UPF Today ( PDF) May Edition in Korean and Russian
Free PDF of UPF Today. The newest issue of UPF Today has been released in Korean and Russian. Get your copy of the May 2009 edition today!

- MDGs and the Role of Women
- Kenya Youth Summit
- Malaysian Children Raise Funds for Children in Gaza
- Former Secretary-General Says UN Must Change
- New Vision Amid Economic Crisis
And much more..

UPF.ORG Statistics: Visitors from 165 Countries

In April, UPF.ORG had visitors from 165 countries.  The top ten is topped by the United States.
Several countries have moved up in the ranks including Russia, the Philippines, and Malaysia. Come visit our site and put your own county in the top ten!

1. United States
2. Japan
3. United Kingdom
4. Russia
5. Canada
6. Philippines
7. Austria
8. Switzerland
9. Germany
10. Malaysia
New On Youtube

Baby Shine
May 2009 Vol 4, Issue 11
Global Tour: Lebanese Youth Call for Peace
Beirut, Lebanon - Young people are the hope and future for each nation, and this is even more the case in countries like Lebanon that are seeking to move on from a generation of instability and violence in the region. With this in mind UPF Lebanon decided to make sure that the Beirut stop on the Global Peace Tour - part of the United Nations International Year of Reconciliation - included plenty of youth-oriented activities.
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Peace Tour in Bulgaria Advocates Good Leadership
Sofia, Bulgaria - On the second day of the Orthodox Easter, Bulgaria welcomed the Global Peace Tour 2009. The event was hold at the Hotel Central in the very center of the city of Sofia. It was a good opportunity to organize on the same day a half-day conference for educating Ambassadors for Peace. The first session was on the topic "Good governance, good leadership." This issue is especially important for Bulgaria, since the quality of leaders has been a matter of serious discussions during the past two or three years in the country.
Orphan Outreach: Families for Children
United States - The Ambassadors for Peace Association of Virginia has launched a new task force: Global Orphan Outreach, Families for Children. The desire to help underprivileged children and orphans has been repeatedly expressed by Ambassadors for Peace, (AFPs) and many active AFPs are currently running projects which help orphans, or have done this type of work in the past.

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United Nations International Day of Families
The UPF has created a portal page for the United Nations International Day of Families being held worldwide on May 15th. The UPF is planning several events around the world to commemorate this day. To find out more on the IDF come visit our page or the UN Official site.
Tour Powerpoint Updated

Last updated 04/29/2009
The Tour Powerpoint
Low-Res Version 56MB
Español, Français

By Region
Asia and Americas
Africa and Eurasia

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UPF Chapters

UPF Introduction Video
FREE- UPF Today ( PDF) May Edition in Korean and Russian
Free PDF of UPF Today. The newest issue of UPF Today has been released in Korean and Russian. Get your copy of the May 2009 edition today!

- MDGs and the Role of Women
- Kenya Youth Summit
- Malaysian Children Raise Funds for Children in Gaza
- Former Secretary-General Says UN Must Change
- New Vision Amid Economic Crisis
And much more..

UPF.ORG Statistics: Visitors from 165 Countries

In April, UPF.ORG had visitors from 165 countries.  The top ten is topped by the United States.
Several countries have moved up in the ranks including Russia, the Philippines, and Malaysia. Come visit our site and put your own county in the top ten!

1. United States
2. Japan
3. United Kingdom
4. Russia
5. Canada
6. Philippines
7. Austria
8. Switzerland
9. Germany
10. Malaysia
New On Youtube

Baby Shine
April 2009 Vol 4, Issue 10
Interfaith, Intercultural Alliances at the UN in Geneva
Geneva, Switzerland - When nine religious leaders, role-played by youth delegates representing their faiths, reported the results of their fact-finding missions to the Middle East and South Asia on "Prevention, Mediation and Peacebuilding" in a simulation of the "United Nations Interreligious Council", the full room of more than 250 government and UN representatives, religious leaders, experts and civil society leaders listened intently.
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Peace Tour in Sierra Leone Conflict Hot Spot
Kenema, Sierra Leone - An International Leadership Conference and Global Peace Tour event was held in Kenema, a town at the center of recent violence and conflict. The Conference registered religious leaders, members of civil society groups, NGO's and members from the community anxious to hear new ways of reaching for reconciliation..
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Liberia Women's Summit
Monrovia, Liberia - The International Colloquium on Women's Empowerment, Leadership Development, International Peace and Security was held in Monrovia, Liberia. The event was co-hosted by H.E. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, President of Liberia, the first African female president, along with H.E. Tarja Kaarina Halonen, LLM, the first woman to be president of Finland
Moving On From the Americas Summit
New York, United States - Despite the failure to reach a unified statement, the recently concluded Americas Summit in Trinidad and Tobago is certainly a step in the right direction. But there is much work to do.
Tour Powerpoint Updated

Download the Tour Powerpoint 115MB
Low-Res Version 50MB
Español, Français

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UPF Chapters

UPF Introduction Video
Vídeos de Español

FREE- UPF Today ( PDF) May Edition in Korean and Russian
Free PDF of UPF Today. The newest issue of UPF Today has been released in Korean and Russian. Get your copy of the May 2009 edition today!

- MDGs and the Role of Women
- Kenya Youth Summit
- Malaysian Children Raise Funds for Children in Gaza
- Former Secretary-General Says UN Must Change
- New Vision Amid Economic Crisis
And much more..

UPF.ORG Statistics: Visitors from 170 Countries

In March, UPF.ORG had visitors from 170 countries.  The top ten is topped by the United States. Come visit our site and put your own county in the top ten!

1. United States
2. Japan
3. United Kingdom
4. Canada
5. Philippines
6. Switzerland
7. Germany
8. South Korea
9. Romania
10. Austria
New On Youtube

Baby Shine
April 2009 Vol 4, Issue 9
New Vision Amid the Economic Crisis
London, United Kingdom - Standing room only, in the House of Parliament's largest committee room, this conference, New Vision Amid the Economic Crisis, contrasted the moral and spiritual values promoted by civil society and faith based groups with the approach of the G20 Nations Summit held at the same time in another part of London. In the lead up to the G20 UPF had issued a Statement emphasising the need for ethical change.
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Global Peace Tour in the Eternal City
Rome, Italy - The Global Peace Tour event in Italy took place in a conference hall at the national parliament, with support and participation from a number of senators and deputies from the national assembly and local political leaders from Rome and other cities, some of whom who had travelled through the night in order to attend.
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Our Partnership with the United Nations and UNESCO
Remarks at a Global Peace Tour 2009 session at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris, France, March 31, 2009.

Humanity is indeed one family but remains a divided family. International institutions such as the United Nations and UNESCO stand in positions analogous to parents in a family. The task of parents is to nurture, support, educate, and, when necessary, maintain order.
Global Peace and the Family
Dhaka, Bangladesh - Straight talk about the sacredness of human sexuality: "This is exactly what we should be telling our students," declared Dr. Eva Saadia Saad, Chairman, Department of World Religions, Dhaka University who chaired the one-day seminar on "Family is the Foundation for World Peace."
National Chapter News
UPF is active in more than 130 nations. Check our recently-expanded list of national chapter pages for local news, features, and contact information:     
UPF Chapters

Tour Introduction Video
Vídeos de Español

Keynote at UNESCO
Read the Keynote Speech at the UNESCO Headquarters - Paris, France: in English, in Français
FREE- UPF Today ( PDF)
Free PDF of UPF Today. The newest issue of UPF Today has been released. Get your copy of the April 2009 edition today!

- World Summit on Peace
- Midanao Peace Initative
- The UPF in Moscow
- UPF Principles and the Drafting of the Nepal Constitution
- The GPF in Haifa
And much more..

UPF.ORG Statistics: Visitors from 170 Countries

In March, UPF.ORG had visitors from 170 countries.  The top ten is topped by the United States. Come visit our site and put your own county in the top ten!

1. United States
2. Japan
3. United Kingdom
4. Canada
5. Philippines
6. Switzerland
7. Germany
8. South Korea
9. Romania
10. Austria
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