
Click here to learn more about the Think Tank 2022 and UPF's effort in the Peaceful Reunification of the Korean Peninsula.

Think Tank 2022


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>Harmony, peace and happiness within the family begin with a relationship to the Creator, one of children to parent. Thus, the solution to world peace is to rebind the relationship between the Creator and each family.

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Today if you go to the Nairobi River, you don’t even want to touch the water, never mind the fish. The fish are not there. Therefore, the Universal Peace Federation project mobilizing young people to clean the Nairobi River was fantastic. It was a very good idea because young people own the activity. They know the future belongs to the young people, and they know that unless they do something now to clean the river and make sure it remains clean, they have no future. Therefore, this was a very important thing in the lives of young people and the life of Kenya as a whole.

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Religion is a pathway of belief which consists of rules or recommendations which promote spirituality.  The essence of spirituality can be summarized as Love for the Creator and all his Creation.

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The principles of Jainism ultimately form a guidebook for our duties as human beings. If every one performs his duty sincerely, then all other beings automatically get their rights as well.

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This is the concept within Hinduism that there are many contradictory paths to God and we recognize that just as each person or individual is unique, so also his or her efforts to reach the Almighty are unique.

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London, England - In a presentation to the Global Peace Festival-UK Focus Group on Multiculturalism and Community Cohesion, Ted Cantle, British author and 30-year veteran of public service, stated that many minorities are amongst the most disadvantaged sectors of a community and still experience prejudice and unequal life chances.

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Buddhism is nonviolence. nonviolence of body, nonviolence of speech, nonviolence of mind. More than just nonviolence, however, Buddhism seeks to actively create the conditions for compassion to flourish and suffering to end.

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It is only through acquisition of the true meaning of Islam that we are able to understand the significance of human rights and dignity. And, as Hazrat Salaheddin Ali Nader Angha has stated, "The true meaning of peace refers to the inner freedom and spiritual elevation of each individual."

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Keynote Address given by Dr. Hyun Jin Moon at the Global Peace Festival in London, United Kingdom, November 22, 2008

Honored guests from around the world, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the Global Peace Festival in Europe, celebrated here today in beautiful London, England! It is a privilege to be here at this exciting time when we all have new hope for peace. Over the past two to three weeks, the eyes of the world have been focused on the results and aftermath of the presidential elections in the United States, hoping to witness the beginning of a new era and new policies that can bring about peace and prosperity for all people.

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As a chairman of the European Union Task Force for Intercultural Dialogue, I have been working very closely with the 27 countries of the European Union during the past three to four years. I can confirm that the European Union has achieved three major things in the past three to four years.

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I think my real hope is that the dialogue now will not only be interfaith but multidisciplinary. I’ve been very concerned that we don’t just have religious leaders talking about peace, which I guess most of them are in favor of, but that we actually engage with people who have to make practical decisions.

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Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, conflicts are no longer on ideological grounds but are basically — or supposedly — about religious differences. Therefore, if we want to bring peace to this world in our time, religious harmony is crucial. We must understand that all religions are different expressions of the same human desire to attain the absolute.

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