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International Association of Parliamentarians for Peace

IAPP Launched in Togo

Togo-2017-06-28-Parliamentarians Association Is Launched in Togo

Lomé, Togo—The national inauguration of the International Association of Parliamentarians for Peace (IAPP) was held in the Lomé Congress Palace, the home of the National Assembly.

The official installation ceremony took place on Wednesday, June 28, 2017, in the presence of 110 participants, among whom were 35 parliamentarians, three traditional chiefs, 46 journalists, and 20 Ambassadors for Peace and other guests.

The Rev. Dr. Paterne Zinsou, the sub-regional director of UFP for West Africa, acted as the master of ceremonies. In addition to Dr. Zinsou, the event was chaired by a strong delegation comprising Dr. Thomas Walsh, the international president of UPF; Rev. Adama Doumbia, the regional secretary general of UPF for Africa; Hon. Amba Sabia Gnakouafre, the representative of the president of the National Assembly; and H.E. Agbéyomé Kodjo, a former president of the National Assembly and former prime minister of Togo.

After the playing of the Togolese national anthem, Hon. Gnakouafre, representing the president of the National Assembly, opened the conference by welcoming all the assistance that ensured the good progress of the project.

UPF International President Dr. Thomas Walsh then presented an introduction to IAPP, speaking about its genesis and its objectives. Two videos about UPF were shown to the audience. Then Dr. Walsh read in French the message of UPF co-founder Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon to the Togolese nation.

The five staff members of IAPP-Togo were introduced to the audience. After this presentation, the president of IAPP-Togo, Hon. Gnakouafre, spoke on behalf of her office to congratulate and encourage her peers for their interest in the network. She promised to work for the success of IAPP in Togo. This led to the reading and then the signature of the IAPP resolution.

H.E. Agbéyomé Kodjo congratulated the parliamentarians and welcomed the establishment of this network within the National Assembly. For him, the IAPP is not only a parliamentary body but also a diplomatic instrument that will enable Togolese members of parliament to attract many blessings to the Togolese nation.

In closing, Hon. Gnakouafre urged both parties to make peace with all and everywhere, building on the biblical passage Romans 12:17-18. (“Repay no one evil for evil. Commend what is honest in the sight of all men. If it is possible, as much as it depends on you, live peaceably with all men.”)

All the nation was informed about this event through national television and radio reports as well as the daily newspaper Togo-Presse.

After a group photo, the meeting ended with refreshments. The atmosphere was good, and the participants left with the hope that this network will bring a plus to the Togolese nation in its quest to maintain a climate of peace.

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